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When I try to open a viedo the scren turns Green. I can hear the audio but the Video Window is completely Green.

New Here ,
Feb 18, 2015 Feb 18, 2015

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Any Video that I try to open, when I click on it the Video Screen turns completely Green.  I can hear the Audio, but cannot see Video.  If I right click on the Video, and Click on Settings, different small screens will appear on the center of the Video Screen asking me to grant additional storage space on my computer for them to store information on my Computer.  Each time I do this, I usually receive a different request for a differ Website, instead of getting a message to "Enable Hardware Acceleration" so I can uncheck it??

On Flash Player Help, it states "How can I display this Display Panel again?

   1) Right-click (Windows);

   2) From the Context Menu, select Settings.  The Display Panel is the first Panel shown.

Where do I click on Windows?  If click on the Windows Icon, there is no   "context Menu" to click on??






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New Here ,
Feb 19, 2015 Feb 19, 2015

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I have a similar problem with playing online video or a video channel YouTube, if you open more than 10 tabs 11 and then continue to show a green background, there is no place for a tick to enable hardware acceleration and so on.

I tried to reinstall Windows from scratch, but the latest build (6050542) also contains errors, although the previous build (4048711), is operating normally and no such problems if you install a clean OS. However, after updating errors immediately make themselves felt. In Chrome also often appears a black screen instead of video on a 64-bit version.



У меня аналогичная проблема с воспроизведением онлайн видео или с видео канала ютуб, если открыть больше 10 вкладок то 11 и далее показывают зелёный фон, нет места для галочки включить аппаратное ускорение итд.

Я пробовал переустановить Окна с нуля, но последний билд (6050542) также содержит ошибки, хотя предыдущий билд (4048711), работает нормально и таких проблем нет если установить чистую ОС. Однако после обновления ошибки тут же дают о себе знать. В Хроме также часто появляется чёрный экран вместо видео в 64-бит версии.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 05, 2015 Apr 05, 2015

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Could you please provide some more information to reproduce the issue.

1) Which version of Flash Player are you using?

2) Which OS/ browser are you using? What version of it? Is the issue specific to a particular browser?

3)  share some particular video URL's for which green screen comes

4) share the dxdiag file of your machine. Type dxdiag in search of your computer. select the second tab "Display" in the window which appears. Now save the info





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 14, 2015 Apr 14, 2015

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Please work through the video troubleshooting guide.


If you're still stuck, please follow the directions in the guide on providing the dxdiag report and additional information about what you tested and saw.





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