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I have downloaded flash player 11.1,102.55 several times. It does not show up in my "All Programs" search nor is it listed in the Program files\Adobe folder. It does appear in the control panel uninstall listing. My .flv files are opened by the Wiindows viewer which does not work. I have used the search feature for "Flash player" and it finds nothing. I am using Windows 7 64 bit OS and Internet Explorer 9. I have only had this computera few months and Flash Player has never worked. Here is the last entry in the flashInstall.log
=O====== M/ 2011-12-08+16-35-20.653 ========
0000 00000010 "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\install_flash_player_ax_64bit.exe" -dlm -install
0003 00000020 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
0005 00000013 C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash64_11_1_102.ocx
0007 00000015 C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil64_11_1_102_ActiveX.exe
0009 00000016 C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil64_11_1_102_ActiveX.dll
0010 00000019 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
0011 00000011 1
=X====== M/ 2011-12-08+16-35-25.132 ========
Well, Flash Player is not the problem as your computer can not properly display a Flash or a HTML5 video. If your computer is still under warranty, download a new installation file of your current driver, then unistall the current driver from the Programs and Features list, then install the downloaded driver just to make sure you have no corrupted driver files.
If the problem still persists after installing a new copy of the OEM driver, contact the manufacturer about your problem.
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My .flv files are opened by the Wiindows viewer which does not work.
To play .flv files requires the Flash projector not the web Flash Player.
Does the web Flash Player work on web videos?
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Thank you for your quick reply. I may be mistaken about the .flv file
type. I am trying to view Youtube files and was told the file type is
On Thu, 08 Dec 2011 21:08:38 -0700 "Carl E. Myers Jr." <>
Re: Where is Flash PLayer located?
created by Carl E. Myers Jr. in Installing Flash Player - View the full
My .flv files are opened by the Wiindows viewer which does not work.
To play .flv files requires the Flash projector not the web Flash Play.
Does the web Flash Player work on web videos?
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Press Alt and X, pointer on Safety, insure ActiveX filtering is unchecked.
Press Alt and X, click Manage add-ons, insure that the Shockwave Flash Object is enabled.
Press Alt and X, click Internet options, click Security tab, insure the Internet security level is set to Medium-high.
Try viewing Youtube videos.
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See the discussion on this forum.
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Thank you Preran. I did follow the forum item you suggested before I posted my problem. See my response to Carl E Myers Jr
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Thank you again. I'm sorry your suggestion did not work. I had done all of those things before I posted my problem. I did them again and still get choppy Youtube views. Should there be a Flash Player program folder in the Adobe program folder?
To answer your question "Does the web Flash Player work on web videos?" I don't know because I don't have a way to call Flash Player. What file types does Flash Player run?
I downloaded and ran the macromedia file you suggested and all I got was a blank screen that was titled "Adobe Flash Player 11" but I could not get it to do anything. The HELP menu was only the "About" option.
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The web flash player is NOT a standalone program but an add-on to your Internet Explorer to play the flash videos. The 32-bit Flash Player files are in Windows/SysWOW64/Macromed/Flash and the 64-bit Flash Player files are in Windows/System32/Macromed/Flash.
If you do not get a red bannner with the message "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video." when to go to Youtube, Flash Player is installed and working.
I did them again and still get choppy Youtube views.
This is a different problem than what you originally wrote. Press Alt and X, click Internet options, click Advanced tab, check Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering.
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Sorry for the confussion Carl. I did find the Flash files in the System directories. I rechecked all of the flags you recommended. When I try to play a Youtube file it is still choppy or jumpy. Sound is okay. I do not get the need to upgrade to latest version message. I apoligize for my ignorance of how Flash player works. Youtube videos have never run correctly on this computer as far as I know. Other videos do run fine.
Should I install the Chrome browser and see if it works?
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Go to this site and see if the video plays.
Since changing Internet Explorer to software rendering from GPU rendering did not solve the problem, disable Flash Player hardware acceleration:
How do I disable or enable hardware acceleration?
If that does solve the youtube problem, try this:
Click Start, type %appdata%/, click Adobe, delete Flsash Player folder.
Click Start, type %appdata%/, click Macromed, delete Flash Player folder.
What is your video adapter and driver version number?
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The test video did play correctly. I disabled Flash Player hardware acceleration and Youtube does NOT play correctly. I did not delete the Flash Player folders. My display adapter is Intel HD Graphics, Driver version
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The latest driver version for Intel HD Graphics is
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The test video is a HTML5 video and does not use Flash Player. Double check to see if I.E.9 is set to software rendering.
Looks like you are having problems with either your video adaptor or the driver.
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I rechecked the I.E.9 setting for software rendering. It was set. The Device Manager said the driver was the best available and the device is working proberly. Intel said the driver is a customized driver and to see the manufacturer of the PC for updates. HP lists 3 drivers available for update. None have a larger number than mine. The .2559 version was not listed but it is on the Inte list.
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Well, Flash Player is not the problem as your computer can not properly display a Flash or a HTML5 video. If your computer is still under warranty, download a new installation file of your current driver, then unistall the current driver from the Programs and Features list, then install the downloaded driver just to make sure you have no corrupted driver files.
If the problem still persists after installing a new copy of the OEM driver, contact the manufacturer about your problem.
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Thank you for your help. You are correct, Flash Player is not my problem. I switched to Firefox and Youtube plays perfectly. Internet Explorer 9 appears to be the problem I am closing this disscussion and thank you very much.
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If your I.E.9 is an update installation, uninstall it to see of Flash Player works with I.E.8.
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I had trouble uninstalling IE9. I finally used the Windows Fix It program to uninstall it. IE8 is working great. I had to reset Internet Options settings to default. I thank you again for your good advice.