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Run the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, Insert the Shockwave Player ActiveX(FP 14 for IE ActiveX ), (the swf file is published for Flash Player 10.2 and ActionScript 3.0)
It can be successfully embedded. But on the View time(After press F5), the SWF file(Control) shown as a blank frame ,none content to show. Right
Click ,on the Context Menu ,click the fast-forward ,It can be display part of the content
Run the StandAlone FLASH PLAYER (10 or 11),open the same file ,It can be playing normal.no problem.
1 Correct answer
There is a known issue with Flash not working in Power Point in Flash Player It will be fixed in the next release. In the mean time, you can download a beta build containing the fix at http://www.adobe.com/go/flashplayerbeta.
If you have comments on the beta build, please post them at Flash Player Beta Channel, instead of here on the 'Using Flash Player forums.
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Sorry AlexYang, I'm not answering with a solution, just bumping up your post because I'm having the same problem!
From a previous mention:
This spring, I had a class that had a project of embedding a countdown timer into a powerpoint presentation. I found a solution using a SWF object. I was able to get the countdown timer embedded and running smoothly, just two months ago, but now I cannot.
I'm on the same machine as before when I was able to get the object running, so I suspect that there was a problem since the last update. I've uninstalled and then reinstalled both Flash Player and Shockwave Flash, but that didn't work. And I've redone the steps again following the instructions, and that didn't get it running either.
Here is the site I got the SWF object and the instructions:
I'm trying to get the actual URL to show: http://www.online-stopwatch.com/countdown-timer/ -- okay, that's it!
I'm running on a Windows 7 machine with Microsoft Powerpoint 2010. And I do regular routine updates of operating system and application patches.
Thank you for your time and assistance, and I'm sure there will be others following behind me. This is a project routinely given in a class each new term.
Thank you!
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BTW, there were two other people mentioning the same problem in the Shockwave forum. We're not alone.
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There is a known issue with Flash not working in Power Point in Flash Player It will be fixed in the next release. In the mean time, you can download a beta build containing the fix at http://www.adobe.com/go/flashplayerbeta.
If you have comments on the beta build, please post them at Flash Player Beta Channel, instead of here on the 'Using Flash Player forums.
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I got the same problem with a SWF file. I could not play it, all I got was a white box.
I find out that it was because the SWF was in Action Script 3 and Flash Player 10.
I changed it to Action Script 2 and Flash Player 7 and now it work in PowerPoint 2007!
Hope it helps.
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Hello everyone.
I was confronted to this issue too and I have finally managed to import an AS3 .swf with TweenMax tweenings in PowerPoint 2010 and 2013.
To do so, this is what I did:
Make sure that all the files (.ppt + .swf on the same level) and classes folder (com from greensock) are in the same folder.
I directly copied and paste my pictures in the .fla (I got troubles when it was a dynamic import with LoaderMax).
Made sure that all the classes are well imported and test your swf to make sure it works properly before embedding in PowerPoint.
Here is my FlashPlayer version:
I checked this tutorial to embed my .swf in the PowerPoint and voilà , it works in my laptop!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Whether you copy the folder or transfer it as an archive to another computer,
it takes in account the PowerPoint properties from the other computers, which means your .swf may be embedded BUT the movie is not loaded (right click > Movie not loaded.).
To fix this problem, you have to repeat the same operations as seen in the tutorial above on the computer(s) where you have copied the folder and want to run the .ppt.
I made a test from another computer pc and a friend of mine tried this on is laptop, both worked successfully
I hope my explanation will be clear and help you.
Enjoy the day.
Thomas Federico