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Install Flash Player Without McAfee?

Oct 10, 2017 Oct 10, 2017

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Please provide a way to install Flash player without having to install McAfee.  McAfee causes conflicts with my system software used to RDP into my work, so I can't have it installed.  I previously spent over 40hrs troubleshooting issues with McAfee shadow installs and refuse to use/install anything that relates to them.  In fact, i'm somewhat concerned that since I hit the install on Flash Player, I'm going to have issues since I saw some McAfee files being installed.  Your installer does not give an option not to install McAfee with the Flash Player install.  Is there a way to bypass this or am i never going to use your product?

As a side note, this is a very sketchy practice to mandate that users install 3rd party software not related to your product, during the install of your product.




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