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I have one part of a generated book, Appendicies, that the pagination template as defined should restart the page numbering. The first appendix, Appendix A, continues from the previous book chapter. The subsequant appendixes, B through O, do restart at 1. All templates in the book are define for Double-sided, Delete extra pages. Refresh book doesn't correct issue. Master pages are assigned in Reference page Structured Master Page Element table definition and work properly with Refresh. Ony thing thats corrects is a manual right-click > Numbering > Select radio button to First Page (only appendix with "Continue Numbering" as default (UGH!)) and resetting page to start at 1. Painful.
1 Correct answer
Once again, Rick Quatro,, to the rescue. The anomaly was corrected by a small edit to the ditafm-output.ini. We removed (commented out 😉 the PageNumberingFirstValue=1 parameter and allowing the PageNumberingValue=1 take precedence. Wow, what a difference a small change like this can make. Thanks Rick!
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Once again, Rick Quatro,, to the rescue. The anomaly was corrected by a small edit to the ditafm-output.ini. We removed (commented out 😉 the PageNumberingFirstValue=1 parameter and allowing the PageNumberingValue=1 take precedence. Wow, what a difference a small change like this can make. Thanks Rick!