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Somehow I managed to set FrameMaker 12 to mark the word "for" as a misspelling. I have no idea. But now, I cannot add it to the dictionary, and the instructions in the error message about how to fix this make no sense. I have spent hours trying a million ways of editing a personal dictionary, putting where I think it needs to be, importing, merging, personal AND document, restarting FrameMaker, etc... Still thinks "for" is not a word. I have read and re-read the documentation and it just does NOT work. Can someone please, please help? It's driving me batty to see those red squiggly lines all over the place.
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Here's what I wrote for my fellow Tech Writers, hopefully it can be of use to you:
FrameMaker’s dictionaries are located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker2015\dict
This file can be edited using Notepad.
I didn’t bother to re-sequence the words and it worked fine.
FM has to be closed then opened for FM to recognize the newer dictionary version.
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Thank you for your suggestion techpubs2015, but sadly, it did not work. Here's what I did:
"for" still flagged as wrong.
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Use the Dictionaries option in the Spell Checker to manage your dictionaries.
The path to the actual user Dictionary is unfortunately unreadable due to the concatenation used in the fixed-size window. So the best way to handle this is to write the personal dictionary to a text file, edit that file and then re-import the edited file. Caution: every entry must have a "-" hyphen in it, even if the word is not hyphenated, so you must add a hyphen at the start of the word in this case, e.g. "-xml". Otherwise, FM will crash if this condition is not met [been there, done that...].
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That might help with adding a word, but I am finding that, over time, I must have accepted some incorrect spellings. What I need to know is how to open and edit the personal dictionary. My goal would be to delete any "corrections" that are wrong.
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When you write your dictionary to a file, you can edit it with a text editor and delete all misspelled words. Then import the file to replace your current dictionary.
All is explained in the online help:
Best regards
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Sorry. The link is that of the search in the online help.
Here is the correct link:
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Thanks, Reng. This worked perfectly. Next time, I'll be more careful when I hit the Learn button in spell checker!