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Has anyone else noticed that when they use the Ctrl-Z to undo the last change, it instead undoes EVERY change made in its history? It doesn't happen every time, but it happens often enough that it is really messing with my workflow.
Windows 10 Pro
FM 2020, up to date
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Hi @LinSims
What exactly are you doing, I mean what is your workflow? and what all does FrameMaker undoes and what do you expect FM to do instead?
Can you explain it a little bit more here ?
Have you tried the "Undo History " pod (view --> Undo History ), FM undoes from this list in LIFO format (Last in First out ).
Pulkit Nagpal
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The basic situation is that when I'm writing a document, I am also often editing as I go along. Sometimes I'll realize I just made a change that I don't like and I want to revert to the text I just changed, so I use Ctrl Z to reverse the last change. However, instead of reversing just the last change, FM is reversing all the changes made since the last save. Ctrl Z is only supposed to undo the last change, and that's mostly how it works. Except sometimes it doesn't.
The messing with my workflow mostly means that my thought processes just got derailed in a big way instead of a little one. The redo does bring back all the changes I made, but that means including the most recent change I made that I was trying to reverse, so now I have to remember what it was I wanted there because I can't simply undo the one change. Since it undoes all changes back to the last save, I could work around it by saving after every change, but that also means a break in my concentration and flow of thought out my fingers.
I hadn't checked that pod out because I usually only pay attention to it if there are a lot of changes to make. I suppose it's a workaround, but it takes longer than the Ctrl Z that is basically part of my muscle memory.
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Hi Lim,
I understand but FrameMaker remembers the last sequence of character while doing the "typing " operation, It breaks the "typing " sequence by following way :
The user clicks on the document.
The user switches between tabbed documents.
Further, You can see this sequence break while using the "Undo History " pod.
If you still think FM needs an improvement here, Kindly file a Tracker improvement and Vote if any other user has a similar requirement.
Pulkit Nagpal
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I'm honestly not sure if I'm not understanding you or if we're not understanding each other. As you requested, I'm going to put a bug in with the below text.
For every version of FM up through 2017, the normal FrameMaker behavior when you press Ctrl-Z is that only the last change you made is undone. Pressing Ctrl-Z again steps you back through the history of changes.
Since FM 2019, however, some (but not all or even most) of the time what happens is that instead of undoing only the last change, pressing Ctrl-Z once undoes every change made since the last time the document was saved. This happens even if I've clicked elsewhere in the document or used my cursor keys to move my cursor location.
I believe this is a bug because this behavior is inconsistent and intermittent within FM2019/2020 and because it is inconsistent with previous versions of FrameMaker. It's not even consistent within a document. Once it happens within a document, it continues to happen until FrameMaker is restarted.
Link to bug: