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DITA X-ref links breaking when re-loading/publishing

Community Beginner ,
Sep 06, 2021 Sep 06, 2021

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Hi guys, 


I'm creating X-ref's to other HTML5 files in DITA (structured FM),

These are files that are stored locally on a drive and the documents ofter refer to other documents that have been converted to HTML5. 


The HREF target that I have been using has either been aquired from the 'Index' properies>security link, or from loading the index in chrome etc, and copying the link from the URL. 


When I set the X-ref initially and test it using CTRL + ALT + Left Mouse Button, it works just fine. 


However, when I reload the topic, the link breaks completely and upon inspecting the Href panel, the format appears to have changed. 


The inital Href format looks like this and works (you won't be able to open it)

Upon reloading it looks like this and does not work... 

  • ../ATP-85800141/Responsive%20HTML5/index.html#t=ATP-85800141%2FAll_Departments_(Company_Wide)%2FTP%2FATP-85800141%2FEquipment.htmlnts_(Company_Wide)_TP_ATP-85800141_Equipment.html


My question is, why??? 


I've had some working before, and they just seem to be okay, but more often than not they just don't work. 


Error , Responsive HTML5 , Structured , XML author






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