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Yeah, that sounds cryptic 🙂
So... I have a book from which I generate four targets -- 2 pdf (via print book) and 2 xhtml (via publish). Yes, I know I can do pdf via publish as well, just haven't tried it yet.
Anyway... I've come across two bits of weirdness in FM2019 vs FM2015 (this is my first time generating these targets in fm2019, worked fine in fm2015):
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. This is kind of irksome 🙂
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It sounds like your browser is displaying cached content.
Are you viewing a local copy?
If so, I suggest you publish to a server (optimally, a sandbox location) and view from there.
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That's what I thought. But in both weirdnesses, I actually cleared the output folder (deleted all the files in the output folder), then re-published. This repopulated the output folder with the wrong content (in #1, repopulated all files, including the one with the wrong image; in #2, repopulated with the wrong target -- correct output folder, incorrect content).
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Does this happen all the time?
Can you always reproduce this issue?
What happens, when you close and re-open FM?
Or even restart Windows?
Or delete all temp files in temp folders?
I also think that this is a caching issue. I think that I read somewhere that this might happen.
Best regards
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I have experienced something similar and here is the remedy. Thing is, FrameMaker sometimes has trouble clearing its own cache.
So between each iteration of publishing do this:
This works for me.