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Framemaker 2017: Some questions belonging to the Preference settings

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Mar 11, 2018 Mar 11, 2018

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In Framemaker 2017, I don't understand some preference settings:

  1. Preferences > Global:General > Cross-Platform File Naming
    What does this mean? What is it good for?
  2. Preferences > Global:General > Cursor Movement
    What does this mean? How can I see it in action?
  3. Preferences > Global:Interface > Auto-Collapse Hidden Pods
    What does this mean? How can I see it in action?
  4. Preferences > Global:Interface > Hide Pods on Close
    What does this mean? How can I see it in action?
  5. Preferences > Global:Interface > Open Documents on Drag Drop
    What does this mean? In my experience, Drag and Drop always opens the document.
  6. Preferences > Global:Alerts > Dictionary provider mismatch
    What does this mean? What is a dictionary provider?
  7. Preferences > Global:Alerts > File unsupported in mode
    Mode? What mode?
  8. Preferences > Global:Alerts > File unsupported in view
    View? What view?
  9. Preferences > Global:Pods
    Why is it called "Pods"? It's not about Pods, it's about Markers.
    And it doesn't work correctly. The Markers Pod is always showing "Element-Tag: <Not structured>" - even in the unstructured FM. No way for me to show paragraph styles and associated texts in the Markers Pod?
  10. Preferences > Global:Launch > Load Adobe Fonts on startup
    Adobe Fonts? What are Adobe Fonts? Who needs it?
  11. Preferences > Global:Launch > Delay load clients
    What is a client? And why should the load be delayed?
  12. Preferences > Global:Launch > Delay load language providers
    What are language providers?  And why should the load be delayed?
  13. Preferences > Global:Launch > Don't load Startup Scripts
    What are Startup Scripts? And why shouldn't they be loaded?
  14. Preferences > Simplified XML
    Matt: "This feature is available only in structured Framemaker".
    No, it is available in unstructured Framemaker, too. Shouldn't it?
  15. Preferences > Simplified XML > Show alert when typing at invalid position
    Auf Deutsch steht dort: "Warnmeldung beim Tippen an ungültigem Speicherort anzeigen".
    Es sollte wohl heißen: "Warnmeldung beim Tippen an ungültiger Position anzeigen".
  16. Preferences > Simplified XML > Show alert when deleting objects not available in the Quick Element toolbar
    Auf Deutsch steht dort: "Warnen, wenn Löschen von Objekten in Symbolleiste "Schnellelemente" nicht verfügbar ist.".
    Es sollte wohl heißen: "Warnmeldung beim Löschen von Objekten, die in Symbolleiste "Schnellelemente" nicht verfügbar sind.".
    By the way:
    Wo finde ich diese Symbolleiste "Schnellelemente"?
    Ist das die Ansicht > Symbolleisten > "Symbolleiste für schnelles Einfügen von Elementen"?
    Falls ja, warum sind das zwei verschiedene Begriffe?
    Und warum wird nach dem Klick auf Ansicht > Symbolleisten > "Symbolleiste für schnelles Einfügen von Elementen" nur das Hilfe-Icon eingeblendet?

Fragen über Fragen.

Perhaps you can give me a helping hand. Many thanks in advance.






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Community Expert ,
Mar 12, 2018 Mar 12, 2018

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Well, #1 refers to the creation of files that will work on both Windows & Unix machines - that's because Filename.fm and FILENAME.FM are the same file in Windows, but are different in Unix (or Linux) environments.





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Contributor ,
Mar 17, 2018 Mar 17, 2018

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Thank you, I understand. Case sensitive naming is an issue, but ...

I choose the name of a file. What does FM do with this file name?

I can see no difference - no matter what's the file naming: Windows, UNIX or Macintosh.

By the way:

An incomprehensible setting is a non-existent setting.

For me, there are still 15½ incomprehensible preference settings.

What about No. 2-16? Has nobody ever used these settings?





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Community Expert ,
Mar 17, 2018 Mar 17, 2018

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For many of your questions you find an answer on Entries in maker.ini and other configuration files , For example:

AutoCollapseIconicPanels:On: when a panel is in iconic mode, clicking the icon of the panels in FM opens the panel. When focus goes away from the panel it collapses to an icon.

HidePodsOnClose: On: Closing panels they are hidden but are still active in the memory and may affect FM performance

Off: FM removes the panels when they are closed. To display them again, choose them from the FM menus.

Some of the settings do not have an equivalent in maker.ini:

Cursor Movement: This is relevant for right-to-left languages (Hebrew, Arabic) intermixed with left-to-right (western) text.

You can find explanations at Help > FrameMaker Basics > user Interface > Preferences dialog

Klaus Daube





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