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FrameMaker ExtendScript CC to publish dita bookmaps

Contributor ,
Jun 05, 2020 Jun 05, 2020

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I have many dita bookmaps, each having own setting file (sts) and template. I already have created a structure in FrameMaker 2020 for all the maps and can publish them just fine. The only issue is that for each bookmap, I have to manually select the corresponding setting file before publishing which can become a hssle if you have to do it for all the bookmaps.

I was thinking to automatize the publishing using the ExtendScript feature. Could someone point me to the right direction such as an example which I can use to learn about this feature? I already found this topic publish script which is quite close to what I have in mind but unfortunately was not able to reproduce it.

Publishing , Scripting , Structured






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