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I am using Framemaker with a .MIF file. This file has a lot of custom formatting. Sometimes text is bold, sometimes it is italic ... here is the issue:
What should I do?
I put this into ChatGPT and got this answer:
If the actual answer is to use a script ... I'll be sad.
Thanks in advance!
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What FM version?
Did this ever work?
My initial suspicion would be that the MIF is not strictly valid.
If you can, create a minimal case that fails, and post the MIF for it here as a text file. Be sure to indicate what it's supposed to look like.
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Are the character overrides done with local formatting or are you using a named character format?
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<String ` '> <Font <FWeight `Bold'> ><String `Acetal'><Font <FWeight `'>><String `'>
> # end of ParaLine
> # end of Para
> # end of CellContent
> # end of Cell
<PgfTag `TableTextRight'>
<PgfAlignment Right>
> # end of Pgf
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It is literally a cell with the bolded text "Acetal" on it.
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One thing I would try: create a simple FrameMaker document with the same formatting; a paragraph with local formatting applied to the entire paragraph. Save it as MIF and then open the MIF back up in FrameMaker and see what happens. If the formatting is stripped, then you know it is an issue with the MIF parser. If the formatting remains, check the syntax of that portion of the MIF file and see if your process is using the same syntax.
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I just tried this and the font formatting is preserved on the round trip. Your MIF code is not quite right; I think this is how you want to do it for a paragraph with local formatting on the entire paragraph:
<PgfTag `Body'>
<FWeight `Bold'>
> # end of PgfFont
> # end of Pgf
<TextRectID 19>
<String `This is a body paragraph with bold applied to the entire paragraph.'>
> # end of ParaLine
> # end of Para
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Here is how to code it if you want to format some text within a paragraph:
<PgfTag `Body'>
<TextRectID 19>
<String `This is a body paragraph with '>
<FWeight `Bold'>
> # end of Font
<String `bold'>
<FTag `'>
> # end of Font
<String ` applied to text in the paragraph.'>
> # end of ParaLine
> # end of Para