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I'm having two issues with conditional text that I have not been able to find explanations for in these discussions or in the FM user guide.
1. I have used conditional tags to hide content but the content still appears in the table of contents. Specifically, I have figures with conditional tags that I want to hide for a specific version of the document. However, when I hide the figure with the conditional tag, the figure is still listed in the table of contents/list of figures. The same issue happens with paragraphs hidden in the document still being listed in the table of contents. Are there ways to keep the hidden content from showing up in the table of contents/list of figures?
2. A related issue I'm having is that when I hide a figure with conditional text (e.g., Figure 1.1), I would like for the remaining figure numbers in the document to shift to accommodate the hidden figure so that when I hide Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2 then becomes the new Figure 1.1. Is it possible to have FM automatically shift numbering to prevent gaps in the numbering caused by hidden content?
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After you hide the conditional text, do you perform an update of the book to create a new TOC?
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For Xref'd content, including TOC, IX, LOF, etc., I wouldn't be surprised if the Condition Code state that hides it at the source needs also to be applied to the referencing files.
As far as the autonumber issue, what happens if you perform an Update (file, then book) after applying the CC?
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I am not seeing this behavior in either FrameMaker 2019 (17.0.7) or 2022 (17.0.3). My hidden conditions are not showing up in the TOC.
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Yes, I've updated the file and book but the hidden content still appears in the TOC/LOF and the figure numbers leave gaps for the hidden figures.
Just to complicate things, I'm realizing now that the issue only happens in one of my two versions of the book. I have a version of the book that shows "conditional tag A" and a version that shows "conditional tag B." When I show "conditional tag A", the numbering and TOC/LOF automatically adjust, but when I show "conditional tag B" the numbering does not adjust and the TOC/LOF still includes hidden content. I'm trying to figure out how these two figures are different, but I have yet to find anything that seems to differentiate the two figures.
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Sounds like you got condition B's contents set up in a different way than you do A.
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Do you have entire paragraphs conditionalized, including the paragraph symbol at the end?
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The issues are actually only with figures, but I have the anchored frames conditionalized as well as the anchors above the frames.
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Can you post two screenshots of one of the figures, one with conditions shown and the other hidden? Make sure borders and text symbols are visible.
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Sure. below are screenshots of both figures. The first shows them with conditions, and the second screenshot has conditions hidden. When Figure 1-1 is hidden, it does not appear in the TOC and the numbering shifts correctly. However, when Figure 1-2 is hidden, it still appears in the TOC and the numbering does not shift in the document.
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I don't get your second screenshot - if you've got a condition hidden why do you still see both figures?
Also, are the captions in a table? If so, it doesn't look like you've applied your conditioning to them.
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Sorry. I may have misunderstood the original question as being about condition indicators. The screenshot below has hidden a condition and shows Figure 1-1, then Figure 1-3. So when I hide the condition applied to Figure 1-2, it is not adjusting Figure 1-3 to become Figure 1-2.
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And are the captions in a table? Is the table and contents both tagged with the Conditional tag?
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The captions are connected to the anchored frame. Technically, the anchored frame is inserted as a table with a title below. I know this might not be the right way to integrate figures in documents, but it's how the files I'm working on have been set up and changing that is not up to me.
I have tried tagging both the table and contents as well as tagging only the table, but that hasn't seemed to fix the issue or affect the one instance where the conditional tagging works like it should.
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Could it be that your problem figures and paragraphs have both conditions applied? When you hide one of them the other one is still set to show.
Or do you actually not hide your condition, but just apply e.g. white font color, so that it will be invisible, but still there?
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I don't think this is the issue. I have only one condition applied to each case, and I am hiding the conditions rather than changing the font colors.
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And you approach with one-cell tables is very good and very reliable. That's what I do as well.
Another question: Do you possibly use Track Text Edits? This feature uses conditions in the background and can interfere with the display of conditions. When you set your document to "Preview Final", it could be that text (or tables) with a condition and with a Track Text Edit property is shown although it should be hidden.
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Put each table in its own paragraph and make sure you apply each condition to the entire paragraph that contains the table anchor, including the paragraph symbol.