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How to adjust bullet and text formatting together

Explorer ,
Nov 30, 2018 Nov 30, 2018

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I am able to move the formatting of the bullet, but the text associated stays as is. How can I adjust the text so that it is associated with the same selected indent as the bullet?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Nov 30, 2018 Nov 30, 2018

Are you adjusting the bullet position using the paragraph designer or the tab settings in the ruler?

If you're doing it in the ruler (I'm assuming this, since the bullets and text for the similar Release Note 2 and Release Note 3 haven't moved), then you need to nudge the tab stops for the text over to the left. If you look at my graphic, the first â–¼ marks the tab stop for the bullet, and the second â–¼ marks the beginning of text. The arrow beneath the second â–¼ indicates where the text wraps. You




Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2018 Nov 30, 2018

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Are you adjusting the bullet position using the paragraph designer or the tab settings in the ruler?

If you're doing it in the ruler (I'm assuming this, since the bullets and text for the similar Release Note 2 and Release Note 3 haven't moved), then you need to nudge the tab stops for the text over to the left. If you look at my graphic, the first â–¼ marks the tab stop for the bullet, and the second â–¼ marks the beginning of text. The arrow beneath the second â–¼ indicates where the text wraps. You have to move those to the left, and then you need to go into paragraph designer and click Update All if you want the rest of the Release Notes to move left, also.

Or you could go into paragraph designer and set the tabs there. First tells Frame where to start the line, that'll be where the bullet shows up. Left means every line after the first wraps to that point. And the tab stop is used with numbering to insert the bullet and start the first line of text at the same point as the wrapped text.





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Explorer ,
Nov 30, 2018 Nov 30, 2018

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Thank you very much! We were able to adjust everything.





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