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I'm writing content with XML and I want to use the notice, caution, warning and danger labels in my content. For example if I'm creating a concept I can see those in the reference pages. I also found a way to add frames above and below from Paragraph designer. But when I save the file - close - open, the same file, my formatting is gone. (I did the same thing with fm-file and there this worked.) I created a new style, for example "notice" and imported this style to the template. When I create a new concept I can find my style from the catalog but I don't know how to use it (meaning, how to use it so that it remains when file is closed).
Is this related to using the elements? Which element I should use for a custom style? If I try to apply the style in paragraph element (p) the style is again "body" when I reopen the file.
What version of FM are you using?
When you export an EDD from a structured document in FM 2019, the result is invalid but easily corrected. At the end of the file there is a RightIndentLimits element. Delete it and any following elements. I would not be surprised if Adobe fixes this problem in a future patch.
The malformed content is supposed to be a FormatChangeListLimits element. An EDD can specify relative changes to properties with numeric values. For example, it can increase ind
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Isn't the whole point of working in Structured FM that you don't have to mess around with styling or formatting? That's what your transforms for output are there for (AFAIK). Check out this post I just found - Re: Interaction of Elements with Referenced files (DITA)
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From PMYM:
Thank you for your answer!
Yes I agree that it is the point. But I'm a little bit lost that if I have a ready made format in reference page (as frame for concept) but I cannot use it.
I have tried today to understand EDD. I have exported EDD from concept and added an element for using this frame. But I couldn't test it because the exported EDD is invalid already after I exported it from an unmodified concept.
One good possibility could be to have file including all the notice, warning and danger texts using the frames in one file and then those could be called in other files (texts would be the same in every place where used). But again: I need the element which could use those frames.
I try to go through the information behind your link. But if you have any advice to the points I mentioned above I would like to hear those.
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I've killed off your double posting over in the Unstructured area & consolidated your reply here - you need to get some training on how Structured FM works, I think. I suggest contacting someone like techcommtools​ (Matt R. Sullivan), BarbBinder​, @Bernard Aschwanden for some help.
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What version of FM are you using?
When you export an EDD from a structured document in FM 2019, the result is invalid but easily corrected. At the end of the file there is a RightIndentLimits element. Delete it and any following elements. I would not be surprised if Adobe fixes this problem in a future patch.
The malformed content is supposed to be a FormatChangeListLimits element. An EDD can specify relative changes to properties with numeric values. For example, it can increase indentation in nested lists by the same amount for each level of nesting. FormatChangeListLimits prevents values from getting too extreme. The effect can be something like a specification to increase indentation by 0.2in as long as it doesn't go beyond a total of 3in. You can create your own FormatChangeListLimits if you wish, but it is often not necessary.
Yes, one of the major advantages of structured editing, is that the end-user doesn't have to worry about formatting--the user identifies what content is and the structure formats it correctly based on context. Someone still has to set up the formatting, however, and define what formatting is used for each element in each context. The two tasks of writing documents and developing templates are much more likely to be performed by different people when a project uses structured documents than when a project involves unstructured documents.
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Thanks Lynne for jumping in - I know next to nothing about Structured FM, so that's why I toss threads like this "over the fence" when they show up in the unstructured world ;>)
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Maybe one of these threads will get you hooked on structure one of these days!
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Hello again Lynne
I have now created the needed elements with required style and frames. Thank you!
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You are quite welcome. I trust you enjoyed that cup of coffee!
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Hello Lynne
Thank you for your reply! I'm using FrameMaker 2019. This morning after reading your message I exported EDD again and yes, when validating EDD after export I got a message <RightIndentLimits> not permitted in this element. I Deleted the part and then the validating was successful. This was very helpful.
Yesterday before leaving the office I tried to create a new EDD and included only one new element. I was able to set already the wanted style for the paragraph. Now I try to learn how to include the frames to the content in my element. Structure Application Developer's Guide is waiting me after I get my coffee