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I have a table in which I want to use the "keep with next row" feature. However, I am using DITA, and so the "keep with row" property that is nominally available with FM is not saved with the .DITA file. How do I do this?
My attempt:
I know how to modify my EDD files to define choices for outputclass attribute of a table row (i.e. create a new choice "keep with next row" so that the author can select this option when editing). I also know how to add context rules to the EDD to be able to change the style/formatting based on a particular choice of outputclass (i.e. so that the PDF rendering uses a different format/style). What I am not sure how to do is define a style/format for a table row that would "keep with next", because the "keep with next" property is not part of the Table designer.
Q1: Is my approach possible, and if so how would I do it?
Q2: Is there another approach that would work and allow an author to "simply" select/indicate that a particular row should be kept with next?
Note: I am aware of the solution proposed by @frameexpert in I was able to get that solution to "work", but it is not a super-user-friendly solution for the authors I work with because I could only make the column "invisible" by manually opening the .DITA file in Notepad++ and manually editing the colspec attribute: colwidth="0.1". I would prefer that the authors can do everything they need in FM.
This 5-minute video will answer your questions.
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You could have the DITA authors set an outputclass attribute value of, say for instance, "keep-with-next" on those rows. However, you can't use the EDD to automatically set the row format to Keep With Next Row, based on the attribute value. You would need a script that would look for this outputclass value and programmatically set the property on the table row. The script would be relatively straightforward.
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Thanks. I will have to ponder the script approach.
Having started to play with the invisible column approach, it does have some advantages (i.e. explicitly organizing a group of rows). However, I also discovered that I did not fully/properly test this approach. It turns out that when a .DITA file is opened and saved, it will auto-magically change colwidth="0.1" to colwidth="0*", which creates a rather wide/visible column. So as long as I do not save the .DITA file, the colwidth="0.1" will be kept (and used), which is a bit awkward. colwidth="1*" is kept, but that is still visible.
Any other suggestions on how to make a column in a table invisible? Or does that also require a script?
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You can apply a Condition Format to a table column, then hide the Condition.
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Thanks. I was starting to look up how to do that, but then realized I should confirm a couple of things:
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This 5-minute video will answer your questions.
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That was very insightful.
While I can show/hide the column using this method while editing, the extra column always appears in my generated PDF. I have looked at the output template that was imported into my .STS file (i.e. for Chapter Output) and it has the "DITA-Comment" tag in the Hide column. Any quick guesses on what is going on?
(NOTE: My console shows the following errors when generating a PDF, and has always done so:
"Show/Hide setting for DITA-Comment is inconsistent.")
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How are you producing your PDF?
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I select Publish > PDF
I have tried both FM2020 (16.0.4) and FM2022 (17.0.4).
I have tried both my .STS file (see below) and the default .STS file.
In all cases the column appears in the PDF, while it is
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You have to figure out which template FrameMaker is using for the PDF and make sure the condition is hidden in that template. That's probably the subject of a new post.
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Here is a teaser script that will allow you to use DITA markup to control Keep With Next Row setting. Follow these steps to set it up:
#target framemaker
main ();
function main () {
var doc, element;
doc = app.ActiveDoc;
if (doc.ObjectValid () === 1) {
// Make sure the document is structured.
element = doc.MainFlowInDoc.HighestLevelElement;
if (element.ObjectValid () === 1) {
processDoc (doc, element);
function processDoc (doc, element) {
var tbls, count, i;
if (app.Displaying === 1) {
app.Displaying = 0;
// Get all of the tables in the document's main flow.
tbls = getMainFlowTables (doc);
// Process each table.
count = tbls.length;
for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
processTbl (tbls[i], doc);
if (app.Displaying === 0) {
app.Displaying = 1;
doc.Rehyphenate ();
doc.Redisplay ();
function processTbl (tbl, doc) {
var row, element, value;
// Loop through the rows in the table.
row = tbl.FirstRowInTbl;
while (row.ObjectValid () === 1) {
// Get the row element of the row object.
element = row.Element;
value = getAttributeValue (element, "outputclass");
if ((value) && (value === "keep-next")) {
row.RowKeepWithNext = 1;
else {
row.RowKeepWithNext = 0;
row = row.NextRowInTbl;
function getMainFlowTables (doc) {
var tbls, textList, count, i;
// Make an array for the table objects.
tbls = [];
// Get all the table text items from the main flow of the document.
textList = doc.MainFlowInDoc.GetText (Constants.FTI_TblAnchor);
count = textList.length;
// Add each Tbl object to the array.
for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
tbls.push (textList[i].obj);
// Return the array.
return tbls;
function getAttributeValue (element, name) {
var attrList, count, i;
attrList = element.Attributes;
count = attrList.length;
for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
if (attrList[i].name === name) {
if (attrList[i].values[0] !== undefined) {
return (attrList[i].values[0]);
Why do I call it a teaser script?
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This was the answer I was hoping that was marked correct. Here is a video about a free script that you try:
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@frameexpertsorry! I think these are both good answers. I selected the other answer for two reason:
- I have not used any scripts with FM before
- the other solution can solve other, related problems as well
So for anyone else reading his - please look at both answers!
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No problem, I was just be facetious. It gave me a chance to write a useful script.