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All of the sudden in a document I'm writing, my Figure Titles have started back at 1 (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, etc and then back to 1-1).
Here's a screenshot -- I'm using Text Boxes to overlay the titles with a Paragraph Style applied to the text in each box.
It was all working fine until I got to the end of a page that for some reason needed me to add a disconnected page and then connect it to the previous page.
What am I doing wrong here? I checked my Paragraph Designer and the equation looks solid.
I'm guessing this has something to do with a text frame being disconnected somehow, but I can't determine which.
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There are a number of possibilities, one of which is that the
format got re-applied, when
was desired (hypothetical names).
Also check text Flow names.
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You know what's weird? When I select all in the flow, the two text boxes with figure titles in them that are causing me trouble are NOT in the flow... but if I try to add them to the flow, I get a mess.
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You have the captions in text frames. We put them into the body of the document and assign a paragraph format to them. This avoids the problem you're seeing.
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I have them in text frames, but with a paragraph format assigned to them. It was all working fine until I got near the end of the page... then when I added a new text frame to insert a new caption assigned with a paragraph format, the numbering started over.
Paragraph formatting:
H:Figure <$chapnum>-<n+1>:
I tried changing the erroring ones to H:Figure <$chapnum>-<n+>: and got nowhere.
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Mine use the following:
F:Figure <n+>:
Try changing the <n+1> in all of them to just <n+>.
Also, in the Text Frame Properties window, check the Text Frame > Flow > Tag: field. Mine is blank and it works fine.
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Also, try copying a text frame that's in the flow and see if the copy is also in the flow. If so, replace the offending text frame with the copy.
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Delete the text frames and place the figure titles in your document.
If titles are above figures, place the anchored frame in the title.
If titles are below figures, place the title on its own paragraph following the figure.
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I defer to the others regarding flow management and disconnected frames: All my documents are single-flow, and all my figures are in anchored frames, including the graphic and a text frame for the caption, within that one flow. But there's another thing you might check, since you're keying figure numbering to heading numbering (and forgive me if you already know this).
Check to see if there's an intervening heading just before the figure numbering resets to one. You say your autonumbering style is...
Figure Title -- H:Figure <$chapnum>-<n+>:
...and that makes perfect sense, but if your heading autonmumber styles are...
Heading 1 -- H:Section <$chapnum>< =0>< =0>
Heading 2 -- H:<$chapnum>.<n+>< =0>
Heading 3 -- H:<$chapnum>.<n>.<n+>
...which would yield...
Section 1 ...
1.1 ...
1.1.1 ...
1.1.2 ...
1.2 ...
Section 2 ...
2.1 ... and so on
...then each new heading will naturally reset your figure numbering based on the second counter in the heading autonumber (and, BTW, in this scenario figure numbers will falsely increment lower-level heading numbers, too).
My group's template anticipates heading numbers with up to 6 digits, and also numbers figures and tables using the top-level heading number (i.e., <&chapnum>), so our autonumbering formats look like...
Heading 1 -- H:Section <$chapnum>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>
Heading 2 -- H:<$chapnum>.<n+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>
Heading 3 -- H:<$chapnum>.<n>.<n+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>
Heading 4 -- H:<$chapnum>.<n>.<n>.<n+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>
Fig_Title -- H:Figure <$chapnum>< >< >< >< >< >-<n+>< >.
Table_Title -- H:Table <&chapnum>< >< >< >< >< >-< ><n+>.
...which reliably gives us figures and tables numbered independently of each other, starting from 1 within each chapter (Heading 1) and restarting at 1 for each new chapter, and including the chapter number as the leading digit.
Each autonumber format within the H: series must contain the same number of counters, and each counter in the sequence must stand for the same thing in each paragraph style's autonumber format. The scheme above, which is built into our templates, works fine... unless someone adds or modifies headings on an ad hoc basis, in which case we've sometimes had figure (and table) numbers reset mid-document or otherwise behave weirdly. I find it useful to think of the whole H: sequence as a matrix or table, with each column representing a position in the string.
Waaay more description than you needed, probably, but hopefully this will be useful at some level.
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As stated above, those disconnected frames are the issue.
When it comes to adding figures, I prefer the table method. Instead of anchored frames, I use anchored tables.
I add a single-cell table with the table title defined above or below.
Adding one image to the table.
Continuing to add images.