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PDF-Einstellungen — nicht lesbar in FrameMaker 2019

Community Beginner ,
Aug 19, 2019 Aug 19, 2019

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Community Expert ,
Aug 19, 2019 Aug 19, 2019

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Hallo Stefan,

(English text at the bottom.)

dieses Forum ist eigentlich nur Englisch. Hier der englische Text in dem Screenshot:

Create Named Destinations for All Elements and Paragraphs

Named Destinations identify paragraphs and elements that are referenced by cross-references and hypertext links.

If you will add links to this document from other documents after the PDF file is created, turn this setting on. This option may significantly increase the size of the PDF file.

If you always regenerate PDF files after adding new links, turn this setting off. This is the recommended setting.

If your document was created with a version prior to 6.0, you will first need to use the Format>Document>Optimize PDF Size command before saving as PDF.

Bei mir habe ich nur die ersten drei Registerkarten. Verknüpfungen und Tags fehlen. Warum die fehlen, weiß ich nicht. Heute ist mein erster Tag nach meinem Urlaub. Wahrscheinlich liegt es daran.

In früheren FrameMaker-Version hatte ich diese Option immer aktiviert. Ansonsten kann es immer mal wieder zu ungelösten Querverweisen kommen.

Viele Grüße



The text on this screenshot is:

Create Named Destinations for All Elements and Paragraphs

Named Destinations identify paragraphs and elements that are referenced by cross-references and hypertext links.

If you will add links to this document from other documents after the PDF file is created, turn this setting on. This option may significantly increase the size of the PDF file.

If you always regenerate PDF files after adding new links, turn this setting off. This is the recommended setting.

If your document was created with a version prior to 6.0, you will first need to use the Format>Document>Optimize PDF Size command before saving as PDF.

I have only the frist three tabs. The Links and Tag tabs are missing. I do not know, why they are missing. Today is my first day after my vacation. Probably that's the reason.

In previous FrameMaker versions I had always activated this option. Otherwise you can get unresolved cross-references.





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