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How can I set the .pdf output document to print the current date on each printed page?
I have a requirement that the output document from Framemaker 2019 be in .pdf format with hyper linked cross references. I intend the document to be available to the customer from our company portal. It can be viewed on the portal or pages can be printed. If pages are printed they must be date stamped with the current date. ie, the date the pages were printed. This will tie the pages with the Revision status of the document and give some control over printed copies.
I have looked through the help section and also looked at the Acrobat DC help and a lot of the references to this are quite old.
Is someone able to help me with this or perhaps point me to where this is explained?
A FrameMaker date variable can update when the document is saved or printed but that's not going to update once the PDF is created.
Acrobat does let you add a date to a PDF via the Header/Footer option in Edit PDF but that's also going to be a static date.
Acrobat is extended via scripting. See for details on how to accomplish this task, see
Add Curent Date & Time to PDF when Printed
This is an older thread, so if you need help, post it as a new question in the JavaScriptforum
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You may wanna add a system variable in the Footer of the PDF template. I think that should help with the same.
Add variables to headers and footers
Amitoj Singh
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upwritenzl76451946​, are you asking for a way to use FrameMaker's Current Date variable to datestamp when the PDF was initially created and, presumably, saved to the company portal, or are you asking for a way for the server to add a datestamp to each page of the PDF when the customer acquires the PDF file from the company portal?
If you're looking for the former, then Amitojsingh​'s suggestion is what you want. If the latter, you might want to ask a moderator to move this post to the Acrobat forum. I don't know anywhere near enough about Acrobat to even guess if that's possible.
Honestly, from your description of wanting to "tie the pages with the Revision status of the document and give some control over printed copies", I think Amitoj's suggestion will work for you. If you know the date the PDF was created, that should give you the information you need to know. Or you could try adding a user variable called "revision number" or "revision date", or some variation of same.
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All good information, thank you
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thanks Amitojsingh , I'll take a look at that.
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A FrameMaker date variable can update when the document is saved or printed but that's not going to update once the PDF is created.
Acrobat does let you add a date to a PDF via the Header/Footer option in Edit PDF but that's also going to be a static date.
Acrobat is extended via scripting. See for details on how to accomplish this task, see
Add Curent Date & Time to PDF when Printed
This is an older thread, so if you need help, post it as a new question in the JavaScriptforum, which is a sub-forum for Acrobat.
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thank you BarbBinder, I will work through that and get back to you if I have any issues.