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I don't remember how to write numbers in FM.
By example, if I have 12.25 : between 12 and 25, I would like FM uses the point instead of the comma.
How to set the "point" (instead of comma) in preference panel ?
Because actually, in the page layout settings I can only use the comma (but not the point).
Finally, I have modified the settings of Windows 10 for the dot key of the keyboard number pad : it was set as a comma, so I have set it as dot . And it works very well now with FM.
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Hi Pierret,
It's not clear what you mean by "I have 12.25 : between 12 and 25".
If you you can 'only' write 12,25 in the preference panel: the decimal separator (comma or period) is defined in the operating system locale under Time & Date etc. This can not be set in FrameMaker.
For 2) I would werkte "a value of 12 … 25".
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Hi K.Daube,
In fact, I was talking about this FM window (Control+N+personalized document) :
In this window I would like to put another margins, by example 2.2 cm instead of 2.5 cm.
About the decimal separator between 2 and 2, how to set it in preferences :
- with a point like this : 2.2
- with a comma like this : 2,2
Do I need to indicate FM which decimal separator to use in that case : point or comma ?
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Hi Pierre:
Since you are using the French version, you can just use the comma (la virgule) to indicate the decimal. My screen shots will show a dot (decimal point) to indicate the same thing since I'm on the English version. You don't need to change it, and I'm fairly sure you can't, unless you remove the French version and install the English version.
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By example here (Format/Layout/Columns) :
If I try to change the margins by writing 2.6 (2 dot 6), FM does not accept it. I am obliged to write 2,6 (2 comma 6).
How to set FM in order I can write 2.6 (2 dot 6) in this layout setting ?
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In this instance you could also enter 2,1 cm as 21mm or 21 mm. FM will normalize it to your localization & preference settings.
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Hi Barb,
In fact, for the decimal separator for numbers, it is more easy and quick to use the dot on my keyboard number pad instead of the comma key at the bottom of the keyboard.
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On my french keyboard, I have just seen that the dot on my keyboard number pad is set as a comma in Windows 10 french version. As FM french version only accept "dot" for decimal separator, I cannot use my french keyboard number pad with FM (as my keyboard number pad write comma instead of dot for the decimal separator).
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Finally, I have modified the settings of Windows 10 for the dot key of the keyboard number pad : it was set as a comma, so I have set it as dot . And it works very well now with FM.
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Great! I didn't know how to proceed without access to the French version of FrameMaker and a French keyboard. Glad you were able to figure it out.