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In my FM document (master page), at the top, I have put a title, but after print, I have noticed that this title was cut by the printer.
In the FM master pages, how to make appear the printer zone limit, in order I could put my title below the printer zone limit (ie : inside the printer zone) ?
I have found a solution in order to know the printer limit zone :
1) I open Microsoft Word.
2) I go in "page layout" / "Margin" / "Custom margin".
3) I enter "0" for each margin, so I have an error message.
4) in the error message I click on the button "Correct".
Result : Microsoft Word gives me the minimal margins for my printer (0.42 cm).
So, in FM, in Master page, I selected the text frame at the top ("Title") and applied an offset of more than 0.42 cm (from the top of the page).
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FrameMaker doesn't have a feature that shows you a printer's print area. One way you can do it is to temporarily draw a lightly shaded rectangle on the entire page. (Use a small tint value so you don't use too much toner or ink.) Print the page and then you can use a ruler to determine the live area.
If you don't want to worry about where you place your content, make a PDF before printing and use Acrobat's Fit button in the print dialog, which will shrink the page so that it fits the target printer's live area.
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I suspect there are very few printers that can render "full bleed".
On Windows, data for physical margins can be set in Server Properties.
I don't recall if that's by printer, queue or page size.
But that "set" is a problem, as it may not accurately describe printer limits.
I suspect that most printers these days can report their limits, but how to enquire is apt to be specific to the PDL (e.g. PCL, Ps), if not the printer model, so may not be routinely done.
I normally presume ⅜in no-print margins for my LaserJet.
I sometimes take advantage of the region for meta-data that is useful in the PDF (e.g. hypertext), but never needs to be printed.
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I have found a solution in order to know the printer limit zone :
1) I open Microsoft Word.
2) I go in "page layout" / "Margin" / "Custom margin".
3) I enter "0" for each margin, so I have an error message.
4) in the error message I click on the button "Correct".
Result : Microsoft Word gives me the minimal margins for my printer (0.42 cm).
So, in FM, in Master page, I selected the text frame at the top ("Title") and applied an offset of more than 0.42 cm (from the top of the page).