Save a copy of an FM10 book with all documents, images, etc.
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I was asked to update a FrameMaker 10 document but had no access to the original author or any information about the existing book. I have done so, but now many images and other elements are no longer needed and it is not clear how I can separate them out. Many other media applications offer the option to save a copy of an entire work and all of the elements it uses to a separate location, thus copying only those items that are actually used and leaving behind those that are obsoleted.
Is there a way to do this in FM10? I can't find one.
Larry the O
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You may want to take a look at the FrameScript script "Pack & Go":
Kind regards,
Klaus Müller, itl AG
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There is a free ExtendScript:
Instructions here:
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thanks, Mike, this looks like just what I need. I have yet to dabble in ExtendScript myself, but this may give me a good jumping-off point.
Klaus, your scripts look excellent, but I could never justify that kind of cost to my client, and I honestly don't do enough FrameMaker work (right now) to justify it for myself. Thanks for the pointer, though.
Much obliged, all!
Larry the O
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Just to round out all of the options for this, there also is a freebie Framescript available for this (ArchiveFM) at
Of course, the inference is that you have to purchase a copy of Framescript in order to run it...
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sorry to necroing this thread but is it possibile to get this script? The link doesn't work anymore. I'm using FM10 and I'm struggling moving all files in one folder.. Many thanks in advance
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You may want to check out Rick's ArchiveES script (