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Now when I publish my responstive HTML, the topics folder is capitalized. None of the other folders are capitalized. Please help this will create a lot of relinking work.
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What version of RH? Are you all patched up? Was this working before? If so, what's changed?
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I am not using Robohelp. I am using FrameMaker 2019. I just updated. Also it was not capitalized in earlier versions, just since I upgraded to 2019. I can't figure out anyway to fix it.
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Thanks for responding. I contacted support but no one has gotten back to me yet.
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Sorry, missed that bit! What point version of FM2020 2019 are you running? Did you try creating a new STS file for the HTML5 output (if you were using an upgraded one before)?
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I'm not sure what that "select to put all topics in a folder" part means - can you show a screenshot of the settings? Don't attach images - just use the Insert Photos icon in the forum interface.
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Not sure what effect that setting would have - are your FM docs all in the same folder already or are they spread out over several folders? What's the benefit to having all output topics in the same folder?
I'm not sure what impact capitalizing the output folder name would have on any links in the output - presumably FM will interpret this location and adjust all the links to suit it. I believe that unless you host the output on a case-sensitive server o/s (e.g. Unix) it shouldn't make any difference to the link resolution.
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It is hosted on a case sensitive device and for the past several releases it has been constructed that way. The device software has context sensitive links defined. Now those links do not work. It is not impossible to fix, I would like to make it easier on the programmer and I don't understand why or how the topics folder is suddenly capitalized.
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Ah, you're using the URL method of CSH instead of the MapID. That's a disadvantage of the hard-coded URL method.
Anyways, provided you're all patched up, there's nothing Adobe is going to do to address this because you're running FM2019 and not the current FM2020. As an experiment, I'd download a trial copy of FM2020, update it and run a copy of your FM docs through it on some non-production machine to see if the issue still exists; if it does, you can file a bug report through the Tracker (
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I can't get my software guys to understand the benefits of the map id. At this point they will likely have to change something, so we will see. It was not my decision. Accommodating them. I do have 2020 and will do as you suggest.
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Wow, really? Sucking in one file of MapIDs instead of entering in every URL to every topic seems like an easy one to grasp, but YMMV 😁
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I think it is more about not wanting to change and figure out some small documentation thing that is not important to them. This is a good example of how they would benefit and I will try to present that to them. Meanwhile I am going to experiment with 2020 and see if I can do as you suggest.
Thanks for you attempt to help.
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Well the option to keep all topics in one folder seems to be gone in 2020. Now what?
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As a work-around, creating a "topics" directory, that's a symlink, hard link or shortcut to "Topics" might do.
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I have not received a solution to this problem. So what I had to do was take all my stuff back to FrameMaker 2017 and uninstall 2020. I am able to use 2019 and 2017, but can only use 2017 to compile the HTML help for Linux devices.
So I conclude the issue occurs with 2020. I think I also noticed that in 2020 the selection to place all topics in a single folder is removed. This will cause future problems for me, as well.
I am hoping someone from Adobe will help me out!!!???
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I'd give the FM folks a buzz - see for your Adobe Support options. I'd recommend using the e-mail address as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including FrameMaker.
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I already did that. And called back to see if they had made any headway. No help yet, which is why I had to figure out how to fix it myself.