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FrameMaker 11.0.1
DITA 1.2
I'm fairly certain this a FrameMaker issue, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise or instructed on how to correct my ways. I'm still new-ish to the land of DITA, so it could be something I don't quite understand. I defined values for the @product attribute in <topicref> for each topic. Those topics are grouped together in a map (chapter), which is then topicref'd into a map (book). I choose File > Save As PDF (or Print Ditamap) and select Choose a DitaVal. I pick my ditaval file and FrameMaker takes several minutes as it spins through my files and produces a PDF, but the PDF is still showing topics that should be excluded based on the logic in the ditaval file. I know the logic is sound.
When I process the bookmap through WebWorks Publisher or oXygen, they both produce the output as I would expect. Topics that should be hidden are hidden. If I process one of the chapter maps by itself, the ditaval settings are honored. It's only when that map is topicref'd that the ditaval settings are ignored. So, why does the ditaval get used properly at the chapter map, but not bookmap; and why do WebWorks and oXygen process the bookmap correctly but FrameMaker won't?
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Sorry, no answer, but I'd like to bump this to the top to see if it gets any new attention.
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I'd have to do some testing to verify this, but I recall that there are some problem with ditaval filtering of submaps. What you're describing sounds like that's the case. As a test, try making a single map with the same filtering set on topicrefs .. it may work.
Create a simple set of files that shows this problem and submit it to Adobe to fix in a future update (or version).
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I have been doing some evaluation of FrameMaker 2015, I was looking for a way to exclude draft topics from being published, so I set the otherprops attribute to "Draft".
I have found that DITAVALs work for:
Any map elements <topicref>, <topichead> and so on, So, you can specify which topics are used within a map. In my case, I can exclude any topics in the map where otherprops=Draft.
Any element inside a topic except for the top level. For example, I can set sections, paragraphs, lists etc to be excluded from output.
However, the top level of the topic ignores the ditaval. if I have set a concept topic to otherprops=Draft, then the concept is still published.
In effect, this means that I'll have to find another way to exclude draft documents from publication, unless I want to change every map that references the topic, or have have the topic included and just set each element within to draft.
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If you create a ditaval using File > New > XML > DITA_1.2_DITAVAL, the ditaval will not work unless you DELETE the following line:
<!DOCTYPE val PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA DITAVAL//EN" "ditaval.dtd" [
The ditaval should look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<val><prop att = "attribute" val = "value to look for" action = "action"></prop></val>
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Hi, I'm recently returned to working with FrameMaker and I'm working in FrameMaker 2019 and I'm surprised to find I'm having the same problem. I came here looking for a solution. I will continue my search.
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Hi Wanda
Can you please share more details in tems of flow or ditaval file content.
Amitoj Singh
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Hello Amitoj,
I have a submap of standard content (read this first type stuff) which is filtered based on which publication it appears in. The filters for the contents of the publications are defined using the props attribute. There are 12 publications produced from 7 master maps. 2 of the master maps are responsible for 7 of the final publications. The filtering works well on the master maps, generating only the content desired. The linked submap of generic content does not filter properly, or at all. I have a ditaval defined so that all conditions are defined as either include or exclude.
For example, my ditaval looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prop att="props" val="ACH" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="CTP" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="DC" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="DEUG" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="DUG" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="HGEP" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="HGEXO" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="HGNHP" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="OGC" action="include"/>
<prop att="props" val="OGEP" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="OGEXO" action="exclude"/>
<prop att="props" val="OGNHP" action="exclude"/>
I want content that is designated for the guide called "OGC" or Operator's Guide, Classic. The topics in the map are tagged correctly (both the master map and the submap).
The master map content filters correctly but all the content from the submap appears in the publication.
Any help is appreciated,
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Hi Wanda
Thanks for the details. Would it be possible to share a smaller data set as sample so we can look into it and suggest. You can drop me an email with more details as that would be easier.
Amitoj Singh
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Hi Amitoj,
I'm finding that the issue is somewhere in the Read This First map. I will work on that and probably solve this problem. I get erratic results from applying the ditaval directly to the map. Some filtering is done, but it's inconsistent.
When I have a better handle on this, I'll get back to you.
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Hi Amitoj,
I put a set of files up and sent a link to you. Did you get it? Can you look into this, or should I submit a ticket?
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Reported this as a bug (FRMAKER-11816). Please upvote if you use submaps and filtering.