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Apple Pen doesn't register, solution provided deleted 100s of works.

New Here ,
May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

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 As it says, for the past several months this garbage app has refused to register Apple Pen inputs and strokes with a simple stroke instead resulting in numerous dots popping up everywhere. It is now so bad to the point of being virtually impossible to draw with the Apple Pen entirely since every minor stroke requires 3-10 undos of all the dots. Despite 7 support tickets, detailed explanation of the issue, and several videos showing this, support has not followed up or even acknowledged any issue with only the first support person giving a useless "solution" for something completely unrelated.


 While scouring here I found many other vector artists having similar issues one of which an Adobe support rep suggested deleting the app and redownloading it so with zero options left, all community "solutions" only helping but not solving the issue, every update to this pathetic excuse for a drawing program making it worse, I did just that and unistalled and reinstalled the app. I then found all my settings reset, all my brushes reset, all my preferences erased, and 100s of works and projects completely deleted and no where to be found. Months of work destroyed much of which was WIPs for clients now putting me in the position to refund these people because of Adobe supports incredible talent to be as worthless as their products.


 Support has ignored my support tickets as per usual so I'm asking here if anyone knows how to restore all my files. I did not delete them, I did not delete any data, the app itself simply no longer has them. It does however keep folders I had only made recently (and deleted since this worthless app can't even have folders function correctly) so if it erased all of my hundreds of works over the past several months then why are their folders still here? I'm not going to play these absurd monetization hostage schemes for Adobe's abyssmal, insulting, and predatory customer "service" as I suspect my not purchasing their overpriced storage plans (despite having 92GB on my IPad free) is why this has occured. If anyone has a solution it would be appreciated as Fresco's atrocius performance, even in comparison to something as barebones as Illustrator Draw it replaced, was just an extreme nuisance. Now it has actively affected my job, my finances, my credibility, and my relation with my clients. Thank you anyone who has any answers though I presume my work is simply gone to Adobe's money grubbing ether.

Device , Performance , Publish & export , Syncing & Storage , Vector Brushes






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Community Expert ,
May 18, 2022 May 18, 2022

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These forums are mostly responded to by other users of the app. You'll be lucky if people read beyond the rant and try to work out what your actual problem is.

My understanding is that you've lost some work through uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

As far as I'm aware everything should have been saved up to your cloud as that's how Fresco works. Did you have it set to offline only? I would have thought reinstalling, provided you use the same account, would have reinserted all in progress back to the list we see on the home screen. 

So back to the cloud, are you able to log into your Creative Cloud Desktop app and see any of the images on there?

Other than that, I guess it depends which Adobe support you've been trying to use. I would suggest calmly and politely contacting the Fresco development team through the app via App settings > Help > Report a bug.

This will open an email on your device, it will collect some basic information for your device (might be helpful to the team) and you can add your issues to the email.





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