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Fresco bug ouvrir une copie dans illustrator sur ordinateur

New Here ,
Mar 09, 2023 Mar 09, 2023

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Bonjour à toutes et à tous, 

voilà plusieurs mois que la fonction "ouvrir une copie dans illustrator sur ordinateur" depuis Fresco sur ipad ne fonctionne plus du tout. Tous mes logiciels sont à jour et tous mes devices aussi et ils sont tous sur le même réseau wifi.

J'espère qu'à chaque MAJ le problème va se régler, mais rien n'y fait... 

Est-ce que quelqu'un à le même problème ? – je n'ai trouvé aucun sujet similaire dans la communauté. Please Help ❤️






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Community Expert ,
Mar 09, 2023 Mar 09, 2023

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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here, https://community.adobe.com/


p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.


<moved from using the community>





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Community Expert ,
Mar 10, 2023 Mar 10, 2023

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Je viens d'essayer, et ca marche. (Mais c'est tresssss lent)
Ce que j'ai remarqué, c'est que c'est nettement plus rapide quand Illustrator est déja ouvert (sans illustrator ouvert, cela a mis entre 5 et 10 minutes, avec illustrator ouvert, cela a mis 3 minutes)
Est ce que vous avez essayé d'attendre? La synchronisation avec le cloud CC is vraiment lente a la base, donc, sauver ET ouvrir illustrator est encore plus lent

L'export sur Illustrator mobile (sur Ipad) est presque immediat par contre.




Si ca ne marches pas apres 10 minutes pour vous, il faudra peut etre regarder si il y a pas une re-initialisation de CC a faire (ou vérifier que les deux logiciels sont sur le meme compte CC)


(le titre dit "photoshop import" parce que les fichiers Fresco sont des fichiers Photoshop mobile.)






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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 10, 2023 Mar 10, 2023

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Hello @Marjolaine25287255csrf,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I can imagine how inconvenient it must be for you not to be able to send the Fresco file to Illustrator on your computer. It can be frustrating to encounter unexpected issues when working on a project, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.


We've received reports from several users about this issue, so rest assured that we're actively working on finding a solution.


Before we proceed, please ensure that Fresco, Creative Cloud, and Illustrator are up-to-date and running on your devices. Also, ensure that you're signed in to Fresco and Illustrator with the same Adobe ID.


If you're still facing the issue, would you mind sharing some more information with us like:

  • For instance, do you see the "Sent" message pop up in Fresco when you send the file to Ai?
  • Are you using any VPN, proxy, or antivirus software that might interfere with the network connection?
  • Please let us know if you often put your desktop to sleep or battery/ optimal saver mode.
  • Are both devices on the same Wi-Fi network?

Furthermore, it would be helpful to know if this happens whenever you send a file from Fresco to Illustrator on the desktop. This information will help us better understand the issue and work towards a solution.

In addition to Imaginerie's observation & suggestion, our Fresco product team has shared an observation that sometimes the push notification from CCD to Illustrator may be delayed or lost due to internal optimization of the OS.
Logging out of Creative Cloud and then logging back in might trigger a jump start of the process and force the fetching of notifications. However, this is not ideal as doing it repeatedly will deactivate all fonts and takes a long time to get back to normal workflow, which isn't good for a working day. Another workaround would be to send the file to Illustrator on the iPad and then open it on your desktop Illustrator.

I hope this information helps. I'll be looking forward to hearing back from you soon. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know. We're here to help you.



Anshul Saini





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