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Fresco Oil Brushes Strokes Not Varying with Pressure

New Here ,
May 24, 2023 May 24, 2023

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I have used these live oil brushes in the past and was able to create brush strokes of various size basesd on pressure using my Apple Pencil. For some reason I am no longer able to do this. When I create a brush stroke it is a consistent thickness. I have tried messing with the pressure dynamics, resetting the brush, uninstalling and reinstalling the application on my iPad 12 Pro. 

I know that there isn't an issue with my pencil because I am able to achieve this using ink pixel brushes and even within the pressure dynamic setting preview window for the oil brushes. I am at a lost for what is going on or how to fix the issue. 

Anyone have any suggestions or experienced this or am I suffering from mandela effect?


This last image is a sample from one of my paintings where I was able to achieve the varying size with one brush stroke.36431367-2D52-41F7-9F64-D28DAA468679.jpeg


Live brushes






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 07, 2023 Sep 07, 2023

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Hi @jessica24848228h98r,


Sorry for the delayed response. I completely understand your frustration. It's great that you've already tried some troubleshooting steps, like adjusting pressure dynamics and reinstalling the app. Since you've mentioned that your Apple Pencil is working well with other brushes and even within the pressure dynamic settings, it might be a specific issue with the oil brushes.


Here's a suggestion to try:

  • Select the "Oilpaint Round" brush from the Fresco Live brushes library > Oil.

  • Test it with varying pressure to see if you're getting the desired stroke thickness based on pressure sensitivity.


The "Oilpaint Round" brush is known for its responsiveness to pressure, and it should allow you to create strokes with varying thicknesses based on the pressure you apply with your Apple Pencil.


If this works as expected with the "Oilpaint Round" brush but not with the other live oil brushes you've been using, then possibly those brushes are not supposed to work with pressure sensitivity. In that case, you could consider using the "Oilpaint Round" brush as a workaround for now.


If you're still experiencing the issue or have any more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to assist you in getting back to your creative flow! 😊



Anshul Saini





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