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I set my canvas to 300ppi before I start working and I use vector and live brushes. When I draw something using pixel or live brushes and want to move or rescale up or down, this element gets pixelated and cannot be undone. I try exporting in high resolution to check the quality, and it is still pixelated. Am I doing anything wrong?
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Bonjour, essayez de créer le canevas en vous intéressant à la taille de celui-ci en pixels et pas en dpi, par exemple pour un format A3 en 3058 px x 4961 px vous verrez que ça ira mieux !
English :
Hello, try to create the canvas by not being interested in the size of it in pixels and not in dpi, for example for an A3 format in 3058 px x 4961 px you will see that it will be better!