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Pen pressure sensitivity is not working in Adobe Fresco 2.0.1 (Wacom 22HD, Windows 10 64-bit)

New Here ,
Nov 12, 2020 Nov 12, 2020

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My system specifications:

  • Adobe Fresco 2.0.1
  • Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19041.630)
  • Wacom Control Panel Version 6.3.41-1
  • Wacom Driver Version 6.3.41-1
  • Wacom Cintiq 22HD
  • Wacom Grip Pen KP501E


Windows Ink causes me a lot of heartache with my non-tablet PC. I must jump through quite a few hoops to disable it on my computer, as the visual effects and overall functionality of Windows Ink (WI) is prohibitive to my work.


I have lost pressure sensitivity functionality when disabling Windows Ink via the Wacom Tablet Properties panel (pictured below) in the past. This same issue has occurred for me in Photoshop 2021 as well. With Photoshop, however, I am able to load in a custom txt file that instructs Photoshop to not use my system's stylus settings (which, I am assuming, are turned off without the use of Windows Ink).


Is Adobe Fresco compatible with my (or any) Wacom device without the use of Windows Ink? If not, it would be helpful to update the system requiresments page to indicate that you must use Windows Ink with Adobe Fresco in order to have pressure sensitivity.


If it is compatible without WI, how might I disable my system stylus settings within Adobe Fresco? Thank you in advance for any help on this issue!












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