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vector shapes and movement locked to pixel grid; gradients; always-visible transform controls

New Here ,
Nov 05, 2024 Nov 05, 2024

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Dove into Fresco today and loving the ease and clarity of mask and selection editing and refinement, and the combination of pixel with vector has so much potential, but find very frustrating the lack of vector drawing tools to integrate repeated UI elements into a Fresco file design such as variably sized button borders.  The Shapes feature seems to only allow a single shape on the canvas at a time, which is wholly inadequate.

When moving layer contents with Transform as well as when resizing, it would be _so helpful_ to have a toggle for snapping to the underlying pixel grid!  The beauty of vector is lost when its edges are almost always fuzzy and you're forced to hand-select a pixel replacement!

I'm also baffled and dismayed at the absence of gradients in any form, let alone along paths or even just radials.

Transform control handles often are off-screen and unusable while zoomed-in for precision, needlessly forcing _massive_ redundancy with zooming in and out when instead what I hope you implement is a half-distance of _visible_ distance from corner to screen-edge--you've already finally solved the small-sizing issue by maintaining the control points at a minimum size around very small vectors, which is _extremely_ helpful, so I hope you take it this step further I'm suggesting!


Fresco IMO desperately needs command over pixel precision for its elements and their movements, as well as design shapes that are 1st-class layer citizens.  What you've solved thus far brilliantly obviates many of my worst gripes from Photoshop and I hope you take this direction and continue running with it!

Layers , Tools , Vector Brushes






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