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What I Hopr to See In Future Fresco Versions

New Here ,
Jun 27, 2020 Jun 27, 2020

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I didn't know where to write about it to show what Im dealing with in fresco however I choosed here.

So one of important features that I didn't find in fresco was the ability to insert shapes, drawing a simple line and these kind of thing. It forced me to use Ai many times in the middle of the work. And typing feature also too.

The atmosphere of Fr would be ideal for many kind of people and one of them like me is graphic designers who try to make posters and many other thing with digital paintings and those stuff, actually I believe that this product has to cover the features a graphic designer need for making a poster or typography or logo.

And the other feature that I really feel none existence of it is the color blender brush tool in Ps cause it was so usefull in many ways.

I dont know what is your policy about fresco but from my point of view as a surface user (said that to clear that I work with windows os) I realy love to only use fresco insted of illustrator and photoshop for some of my works, not using 3 of them together for achiving the output Im seeking.

Device , Performance , Tools






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Community Expert ,
Jun 27, 2020 Jun 27, 2020

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For me if they start adding text tools and so many other features found in so many other apps it will just become another app which does the same as all the others. I like the free feeling of drawing with Fresco and don't see a need for the things you're asking for.

Having said that, shapes are definitely available in the current version of Fresco. You can also use the ruler to draw straight lines. At least they're available in the iPad version, not sure if the same features are in other versions.

If you want to send feature suggestions directly to Adobe there is a Suggest a feature link under Help in App Settings available from the Home page. Again this might be different in Surface version.





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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

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Thanks for your advice.

But there are some sort of problems for many same users as me, first of all in windows os or any alternative for ios, we dont have an special digital painting app with same features and light-processing performance like Procreate. We have clip studio paint and photoshop and same programs and all of them have serious problems in processing and their uncomfortable atmosphere for doing these stuff. Second of all in my country (Iran), switching to apple devices would be so hard with twice of problems like the cost of it and communication with other people near us that having same activities, Actually having an iPad could solve all of these problems but because of my situation and some ridicules political problems it would be realy realy hard.

Only Windows os program that can make me able to achieve the same output with a better performance that photoshop and clip studio paint and more simple workspace same as procreate, is fresco.

There are many same apps that can produce me a free feeling of drawing in windows but thare is nothing that can produce me the same experience and features as procreate except fresco. Its been a lot of years that adobe users are forced to do deigital painting with photoshop but photoshop is not a digital painting program exactly, and its clearly transparent by its workspace and even the name of it 🙂






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Community Expert ,
Jul 07, 2020 Jul 07, 2020

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Just be patient,  There's a lot of new features coming to Fresco.  





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