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Preserve Stroke Positions on Mesh needs work

Community Beginner ,
Jan 26, 2023 Jan 26, 2023

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Key is a solution that enables being able to move previously textured parts of a mesh in a modeling package to a different location and orientation, reimport into Painter, and have all the previous texture work transfer over.

Currently the Preserve Stroke Positions on Mesh setting under project configuration applies the paint projections in the same 3D space as the original mesh was located. So one cannot move a mesh and keep the projected brush strokes. This is a major problem, as just the simple act moving a part of a mesh that has previously been textured, even if the UVs do not change, one loses all the paint work etc. This is a major workflow issue for certain things.

It seems that the solution to this issue would be to compare meshes by name rather than position in 3D space. Then if Painter detects that in the newly imported mesh, models with name matches are translated to a new location or orientation, Painter should be able to get the offset values between the two meshes that are named the same, by using each object's pivot point, and offset the paint strokes projection cage, or however paint stroke projection is done, in 3D space with those same offsets, so that the paint stroke projections work on the newly translated meshes.

This is vital to lots of workflows, and a major Painter shortcoming. Other 3D paint packages CAN handle this, like Marmoset Toolbox. Believe me I do understand that they are not projecting paint strokes in those packages, so it is totally different and brings its own set of negatives. But there has to be a solution to do this in Painter that your incredible programing team could implement to do paint stroke projections in a different 3D location. Don't make us have to switch to Marmoset Toolbox to texture models! Please!

Regardless of the solution, this is a pretty major feature that is desperately needed.

Or if anyone out there has a workaround, would love to hear it, it would solve so many problems! 

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