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Adapting a script to auto click 'ok'

Community Beginner ,
Sep 06, 2020 Sep 06, 2020

Copy link to clipboard


Hi everyone, this is my first call out for help, though have been part of the community for years.

I'm afraid it's the same issue as posted in another thread recently but regards a different script, and while I've tried to adapt the answers to this one, I can't get it to work. 

I've amended the script to the values I wish for it to run and as I'm calling it as part of an action I'd like to set the dialogue box to auto ok, so that I can I can leave the action to it while I go and make tea. 

If anyone can help I'd be most thankful. Here's the full script by Jongware below:


//DESCRIPTION:Fill shape with packed circles
// A Jongware Script 2-Oct-2010
// Dirty fix for pre-CS4 version(s): 15-Nov-2010
// Hope it works.

// Select any outlined object. Text should be
// converted to outlines first.
// Run the script, and it'll fill its outline
// with circles.

if (app.documents.length == 0 || app.selection.length != 1 || !(app.selection[0].constructor.name=="PathItem" || app.selection[0].constructor.name=="CompoundPathItem"))
alert ("Fill shape with packed circles\r\r"+
"Select any single outlined object. Text should be\r"+
"converted to outlines first.\r"+
"Run the script, and it'll fill the outline\r"+
"with circles.");
swatchGroupList = [ "Black", "White", "Gray", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue" ];
if (parseInt(app.version) >= 14)
swatchGroupList.push ("-");
for (s=0; s<app.activeDocument.swatchGroups.length; s++)
if (app.activeDocument.swatchGroups[s].name == '')
swatchGroupList.push ("[Base swatches]");
swatchGroupList.push ("["+app.activeDocument.swatchGroups[s].name+"]");

optionsDlg = new Window('dialog', 'Circle Fill');
optionsDlg.orientation = 'column';
optionsDlg.alignment = 'right';
optionsDlg.add('statictext', undefined, "A Jongware Script 13-Sep-2010");

with (optionsDlg.add('group'))
orientation = 'row';
add('statictext', undefined, "Max size");
Ptsz = add('edittext', undefined, "12");
Ptsz.characters = 6;
add('statictext', undefined, "% of total size");
with (optionsDlg.add('group'))
orientation = 'row';
add('statictext', undefined, "Min size");
Ptmsz = add('edittext', undefined, "1");
Ptmsz.characters = 6;
add('statictext', undefined, "% of total size");
with (optionsDlg.add('group'))
orientation = 'row';
add('statictext', undefined, "Min. distance");
Distsz = add('edittext', undefined, "1");
Distsz.characters = 6;
add('statictext', undefined, "pt");
var optionsDdL = null;
with (optionsDlg.add('group'))
orientation = 'row';
add('statictext', undefined, "Colors");
optionsDdL = add('dropdownlist', undefined, swatchGroupList);
optionsDdL.selection = 0;
with (optionsDlg.add('group'))
orientation = 'row';
add('button', undefined, "OK");
add('button', undefined, "Cancel");

if (optionsDlg.show() == 1)
if (optionsDdL)
swatchSet = optionsDdL.selection.index;
swatchSet = null;
maxCircleSize = Number(Ptsz.text);
if (maxCircleSize < 0.01 || maxCircleSize > 100)
maxCircleSize = 20;
minCircleSize = Number(Ptmsz.text);
if (minCircleSize < 0.01 || minCircleSize > maxCircleSize)
minCircleSize = maxCircleSize/2;
maxCircleSize /= 100; // Convert percentage to decimal fraction
minCircleSize /= 100;

maxCircleSize /= 2; // Convert diameter to radius
minCircleSize /= 2;

minDistanceToOtherCircles = Number (Distsz.text);

object = app.selection[0];

red = new RGBColor();
red.red = 255;
red.green = 0;
red.blue = 0;

black = new GrayColor;
black.gray = 0;
gray = new GrayColor;
gray.gray = 0;
white = new GrayColor;
white.gray = 0;

// Convert curved lines to straight ones.
innerpaths = [];
outerPath = null;
if (object.constructor.name == "CompoundPathItem")
for (p=0; p<object.pathItems.length; p++)
if (Math.abs (object.pathItems[p].area) < 16)
innerpaths.push (flattenPath (object.pathItems[p]));
if (innerpaths.length == 1 && outerPath == null)
outerPath = innerpaths[0];
innerpaths = [];
} else
var minx = innerpaths[0][0][0];
var outer = 0;
for (p=0; p<innerpaths.length; p++)
for (q=0; q<innerpaths[p].length; q++)
if (innerpaths[p][q][0] < minx)
minx = innerpaths[p][q][0];
outer = p;
outerPath = innerpaths[outer];
innerpaths.splice (outer,1);
} else
outerPath = flattenPath (object);

if (outerPath == null)
alert ("Got a bad path. What's going on?");
} else
minx = object.geometricBounds[0];
miny = object.geometricBounds[1];

maxx = object.geometricBounds[2];
maxy = object.geometricBounds[3];

if (minx > maxx)
x = minx;
minx = maxx;
maxx = x;
if (miny > maxy)
y = miny;
miny = maxy;
maxy = y;
maxwide = maxx - minx;
maxhigh = maxy - miny;

totalArea = Math.abs(object.area);
filledArea = 0;

/* r = 1;
for (p=0; p<entirePath.length; p++)
app.activeDocument.pathItems.ellipse (entirePath[p][1]+r,entirePath[p][0]-r,2*r,2*r);
} */

Math_Epsilon = 0.0001;
joinedPath = outerPath;
triangleIndexList = Triangulate (joinedPath, innerpaths);
triangleList = [];

for (p=0; p<triangleIndexList.length; p+=3)
triangleList.push (
[ joinedPath[triangleIndexList[p]],
joinedPath[triangleIndexList[p+2]] ] );


// Store edges in pairs, most left x first
edgeList = [ ];

if (outerPath[0][0] < outerPath[outerPath.length-1][0])
edgeList.push ( [ outerPath[0], outerPath[outerPath.length-1] ] );
edgeList.push ( [ outerPath[outerPath.length-1], outerPath[0] ] );

for (i=0; i<outerPath.length-1; i++)
if (outerPath[i][0] < outerPath[i+1][0])
edgeList.push ( [ outerPath[i], outerPath[i+1] ] );
edgeList.push ( [ outerPath[i+1], outerPath[i] ] );

for (i=0; i<innerpaths.length; i++)
if ( innerpaths[i][0][0] < innerpaths[i][innerpaths[i].length-1][0])
edgeList.push ( [ innerpaths[i][0], innerpaths[i][innerpaths[i].length-1] ] );
edgeList.push ( [ innerpaths[i][innerpaths[i].length-1], innerpaths[i][0] ] );
for (i2=0; i2<innerpaths[i].length-1; i2++)
if (innerpaths[i][i2][0] < innerpaths[i][i2+1][0])
edgeList.push ( [ innerpaths[i][i2], innerpaths[i][i2+1] ] );
edgeList.push ( [ innerpaths[i][i2+1], innerpaths[i][i2] ] );

// This did NOT work !!
// Add x midpoints. Hopefully, this will make the point tests faster 😞
for (i=0; i<edgeList.length; i++)
edgeList[i].push ( (edgeList[i][0][0] + edgeList[i][1][0])/2);

edgeList.sort(function(a,b) { if (a[2] < b[2]) return -1; if (a[2] > b[2]) return 1; return 0; } );

// Set to 1 for various debugging tricks ... 😛
if (0)
// Draw the triangle list
if (1)
for (p=0; p<triangleList.length; p++)
np = app.activeDocument.pathItems.add();
np.setEntirePath (
[ triangleList[p][0], triangleList[p][1],
triangleList[p][1], triangleList[p][2],
triangleList[p][2], triangleList[p][0] ] )
np.fillColor = gray;
np.strokeWidth = 0.1;

// Draw random points, line to closest edge
if (0)
areaList = [];
triArea = 0;
for (p=0; p<triangleList.length; p++)
triArea += Math.abs ( Area ( [
triangleList[p][0], triangleList[p][1],
triangleList[p][1], triangleList[p][2],
triangleList[p][2], triangleList[p][0] ] ) );
areaList.push (triArea);

for (p=0; p<10000; p++)
a_rnd = Math.random() * triArea;
for (q=0; q<triangleList.length; q++)
if (areaList[q] > a_rnd)

pt = getRandomPoint (triangleList[q]);
d = ClosestPointInEdgelist (pt, edgeList);
// app.activeDocument.pathItems.ellipse (pt[1]+2, pt[0]-2, 4,4);
np = app.activeDocument.pathItems.add();
np.setEntirePath ([ pt, d[0]]);
np.fillColor = NoColor;
np.strokeWidth = 0.1;
if (d[0][0] == edgeList[d[2]][0][0] && d[0][1] == edgeList[d[2]][0][1])
np.strokeColor = black;
np.strokeColor = gray;

// Draw sorted edge list
if (0)
for (i=0; i<edgeList.length; i++)
drawLine ( [ edgeList[i][0][0], -100-2*i], [edgeList[i][1][0], -100-2*i]).strokeWidth = 0.1+0.1*i;
} else

areaList = [];
triArea = 0;
for (p=0; p<triangleList.length; p++)
triArea += Math.abs ( Area ( [
triangleList[p][0], triangleList[p][1],
triangleList[p][1], triangleList[p][2],
triangleList[p][2], triangleList[p][0] ] ) );
areaList.push (triArea);

pointList = [];
circleList = [];
radiiList = [ ];
maxsize = Math.sqrt(maxwide * maxhigh);
size = maxCircleSize;
while (1)
radiiList.push (size*maxsize);
size *= .667;
if (size < minCircleSize)
for (rad=0; rad<radiiList.length; rad++)
for (p=0; p<1000; p++)
a_rnd = Math.random() * triArea;
for (q=0; q<triangleList.length; q++)
if (areaList[q] > a_rnd)

pt = getRandomPoint (triangleList[q]);
d = distanceToClosestEdge (pt, edgeList);
if (d >= radiiList[rad])
for (c=0; c<pointList.length; c++)
xd = Math.abs (pt[0]-pointList[c][0]);
yd = Math.abs (pt[1]-pointList[c][1]);
if (xd <= radiiList[rad]+circleList[c]+minDistanceToOtherCircles &&
yd <= radiiList[rad]+circleList[c]+minDistanceToOtherCircles)
d = distanceFromPointToPoint (pt, pointList[c])-minDistanceToOtherCircles;
if (d < radiiList[rad]+circleList[c])
if (c == pointList.length)
nrad = radiiList[rad];
pointList.push ( pt );
circleList.push (nrad);

// Make all circles grow as large as possible
for (p=0; p<pointList.length; p++)
pt = pointList[p];
nrad = distanceToClosestEdge (pt, edgeList);
for (c=0; c<pointList.length; c++)
if (c == p)
xd = Math.abs (pt[0]-pointList[c][0]);
yd = Math.abs (pt[1]-pointList[c][1]);
if (xd <= nrad+circleList[c]+minDistanceToOtherCircles &&
yd <= nrad+circleList[c]+minDistanceToOtherCircles)
nd = distanceFromPointToPoint (pt, pointList[c])-circleList[c]-minDistanceToOtherCircles;
if (nd < nrad)
nrad = nd;

circleList[p] = nrad;
e = app.activeDocument.pathItems.ellipse (pt[1]+nrad,pt[0]-nrad,2*nrad,2*nrad);
e.strokeWidth = 0;
e.strokeColor = NoColor;
e.fillColor = randomSwatch (swatchSet);

function randomSwatch (swatchOrSet)
var allSwatches;
var color;

if (swatchOrSet == null)
return white;

if (swatchOrSet < 8)
switch (swatchOrSet)
case 0: // Black
return black;
case 1: // White
return white;
case 2: // Gray
return gray;
case 3: // Red
color = new RGBColor();
color.red = 255;
case 4: // Yellow
color = new RGBColor();
color.red = 255;
color.green = 255;
case 5: // Green
color = new RGBColor();
color.green = 255;
case 6: // Blue
color = new RGBColor();
color.blue = 255;
return color;
if (swatchOrSet == 8)
var allSwatches = app.activeDocument.swatches;
var allSwatches = app.activeDocument.swatchGroups[swatchOrSet-8].getAllSwatches();

return allSwatches[Math.floor(Math.random()*allSwatches.length)].color;

function drawLine (a,b)
var p = app.activeDocument.pathItems.add();
try {
p.setEntirePath ([ a,b ]);
p.strokeWidth = 0.1;
} catch (e)
alert ("Bad line:\ra="+a+"\rb="+b);
return p;

function distanceFromPointToPoint (A, B)
return Math.sqrt ( ((A[0]-B[0]) * (A[0]-B[0])) + ((A[1]-B[1]) * (A[1]-B[1])) );

function flattenPath (obj)
var newpath = new Array();
var curveList;
var pt, nextpt;
var isFlattened = false;

if (!obj.hasOwnProperty ("pathPoints"))
return null;

for (pt=0; pt<obj.pathPoints.length; pt++)
nextpt = pt+1;
if (nextpt == obj.pathPoints.length)
nextpt = 0;
if (obj.pathPoints[pt].anchor[0] == obj.pathPoints[pt].rightDirection[0] && obj.pathPoints[pt].anchor[1] == obj.pathPoints[pt].rightDirection[1] &&
obj.pathPoints[nextpt].anchor[0] == obj.pathPoints[nextpt].leftDirection[0] && obj.pathPoints[nextpt].anchor[1] == obj.pathPoints[nextpt].leftDirection[1])
newpath.push (obj.pathPoints[pt].anchor);
} else
isFlattened = true;
curveList = curve4 (obj.pathPoints[pt].anchor[0],obj.pathPoints[pt].anchor[1],
newpath = newpath.concat (curveList);
// Make path round
// newpath.push (newpath[0]);
return newpath;

// As found on http://jsfromhell.com/math/is-point-in-poly
// No idea what this all means 🙂 [fortunately, I don't have to!]
function pointInsidePoly(pt, poly)
for(var c = false, i = -1, l = poly.length, j = l - 1; ++i < l; j = i)
((poly[i][1] <= pt[1] && pt[1] < poly[j][1]) || (poly[j][1] <= pt[1] && pt[1] < poly[i][1]))
&& (pt[0] < (poly[j][0] - poly[i][0]) * (pt[1] - poly[i][1]) / (poly[j][1] - poly[i][1]) + poly[i][0])
&& (c = !c);

return c;

function getWinding (path)
// Return area of a simple (ie. non-self-intersecting) polygon.
// Will be negative for counterclockwise winding.
var i,next;
var accum = 0;
for (i=0; i<path.length-1; i++)
next = i+1;
accum += path[next][0] * path[i][1] - path[i][0] * path[next][1];
next = 0;
accum += path[next][0] * path[i][1] - path[i][0] * path[next][1];
return accum / 2;

// Code adapted from Maxim Shemanarev's AntiGrain
// http://www.antigrain.com/research/bezier_interpolation/

function curve4(x1, y1, //Anchor1
x2, y2, //Control1
x3, y3, //Control2
x4, y4, //Anchor2
nSteps // Flattening value
var pointList = new Array();
var dx1 = x2 - x1;
var dy1 = y2 - y1;
var dx2 = x3 - x2;
var dy2 = y3 - y2;
var dx3 = x4 - x3;
var dy3 = y4 - y3;

var subdiv_step = 1.0 / (nSteps + 1);
var subdiv_step2 = subdiv_step*subdiv_step;
var subdiv_step3 = subdiv_step*subdiv_step*subdiv_step;

var pre1 = 3.0 * subdiv_step;
var pre2 = 3.0 * subdiv_step2;
var pre4 = 6.0 * subdiv_step2;
var pre5 = 6.0 * subdiv_step3;

var tmp1x = x1 - x2 * 2.0 + x3;
var tmp1y = y1 - y2 * 2.0 + y3;

var tmp2x = (x2 - x3)*3.0 - x1 + x4;
var tmp2y = (y2 - y3)*3.0 - y1 + y4;

var fx = x1;
var fy = y1;

var dfx = (x2 - x1)*pre1 + tmp1x*pre2 + tmp2x*subdiv_step3;
var dfy = (y2 - y1)*pre1 + tmp1y*pre2 + tmp2y*subdiv_step3;

var ddfx = tmp1x*pre4 + tmp2x*pre5;
var ddfy = tmp1y*pre4 + tmp2y*pre5;

var dddfx = tmp2x*pre5;
var dddfy = tmp2y*pre5;

var step = nSteps;

pointList.push ([x1, y1]); // Start Here
fx += dfx;
fy += dfy;
dfx += ddfx;
dfy += ddfy;
ddfx += dddfx;
ddfy += dddfy;
pointList.push ([fx, fy]);
// pointList.push ([x4, y4]); // Last step must go exactly to x4, y4
return pointList;

// Javascript version of
// http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Triangulator
// by runevision
// Adjusted for holes using
// http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/TriangulationByEarClipping.pdf
// (well, that and some random experimentation. This code is my own, ugly as it may be.)

function Triangulate (m_points, holes)
var indices = new Array();

if (getWinding (m_points) < 0)

// Remove holes by joining them with the outer edge
if (holes.length)
for (hh=0; hh<holes.length; hh++)
var h = holes[hh];
if (getWinding (h) > 0)

var maxpt = 0;
for (i=1; i<h.length; i++)
if (h[i][0] > h[maxpt][0] || (h[i][0] == h[maxpt][0] && h[i][1] < h[maxpt][1]))
maxpt = i;
while (maxpt > 0)
h.push (h.shift());
holes.sort(function(a,b){ if (a[0][0] > b[0][0]) return -1; if (a[0][0] < b[0][0]) return 1; return (a[0][1] < b[0][1]) ? 1 : -1; });
for (hh=0; hh<holes.length; hh++)
var h = holes[hh];
var maxpt = 0;

for (i=1; i<h.length; i++)
if (h[i][0] > h[maxpt][0] || (h[i][0] == h[maxpt][0] && h[i][1] < h[maxpt][1]))
maxpt = i;

var d2 = null;
var closestpt;
for (i=0; i<m_points.length; i++)
if (m_points[i][0] > h[maxpt][0])
if (d2 == null)
d2 = ClosestPointOnLine (h[maxpt], [ m_points[i], m_points[(i+1) % m_points.length] ] )[1];
closestpt = i;
} else
var dd2 = ClosestPointOnLine (h[maxpt], [ m_points[i], m_points[(i+1) % m_points.length] ] )[1];
if (dd2 < d2)
d2 = dd2;
closestpt = i;
// drawLine (h[maxpt], m_points[closestpt]);
// app.activeDocument.pathItems.ellipse (h[maxpt][1]+2+hh,h[maxpt][0]-2-hh,4+2*hh,4+2*hh);
// app.activeDocument.pathItems.ellipse (m_points[closestpt][1]+2+hh,m_points[closestpt][0]-2-hh,4+2*hh,4+2*hh).fillColor = gray;

// alert (m_points.length);
m_points.splice (closestpt, 0, [ m_points[closestpt][0],m_points[closestpt][1]+0.1 ]);
h.splice (maxpt, 0, [ h[maxpt][0],h[maxpt][1] ]);
h[maxpt][1] -= 0.1;
for (var i=maxpt; i >=0; i--)
m_points.splice (closestpt, 0, h[i]);
for (var i=h.length-1; i > maxpt; i--)
m_points.splice (closestpt, 0, h[i]);
// alert (m_points.length);
// drawLine (m_points[0], m_points[m_points.length-1]);
// for (i=0; i<m_points.length-1; i++)
// drawLine (m_points[i], m_points[i+1]);

var n = m_points.length;
if (n < 3)
return indices;

// app.activeDocument.pathItems.add().setEntirePath (m_points);

var V = new Array(n);
if (Area(m_points) > 0)
for (var v = 0; v < n; v++)
V[v] = v;
} else
for (var v = 0; v < n; v++)
V[v] = (n - 1) - v;

var nv = n;
var count = 2 * nv;
for (var m = 0, v = nv - 1; nv > 2; )
if ((count--) <= 0)
return indices;

var u = v;
if (nv <= u)
u = 0;
v = u + 1;
if (nv <= v)
v = 0;
var w = v + 1;
if (nv <= w)
w = 0;

if (Snip(u, v, w, nv, V, m_points))
var a, b, c, s, t;
a = V[u];
b = V[v];
c = V[w];
for (s = v, t = v + 1; t < nv; s++, t++)
V[s] = V[t];
count = 2 * nv;

return indices;

function Area (m_points)
var n = m_points.length;
var A = 0.0;
for (var p = n - 1, q = 0; q < n; p = q++)
var pval = m_points[p];
var qval = m_points[q];
A += pval[0] * qval[1] - qval[0] * pval[1];
return (A * 0.5);

function Snip (u, v, w, n, V, m_points)
var p;
var A = m_points[V[u]];
var B = m_points[V[v]];
var C = m_points[V[w]];
if (Math_Epsilon > (((B[0] - A[0]) * (C[1] - A[1])) - ((B[1] - A[1]) * (C[0] - A[0]))))
return false;
for (p = 0; p < n; p++) {
if ((p == u) || (p == v) || (p == w))
var P = m_points[V[p]];
if (InsideTriangle(A, B, C, P))
return false;
return true;

function InsideTriangle (A, B, C, P)
var ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, apx, apy, bpx, bpy, cpx, cpy;
var cCROSSap, bCROSScp, aCROSSbp;

ax = C[0] - B[0]; ay = C[1] - B[1];
bx = A[0] - C[0]; by = A[1] - C[1];
cx = B[0] - A[0]; cy = B[1] - A[1];
apx = P[0] - A[0]; apy = P[1] - A[1];
bpx = P[0] - B[0]; bpy = P[1] - B[1];
cpx = P[0] - C[0]; cpy = P[1] - C[1];

aCROSSbp = ax * bpy - ay * bpx;
cCROSSap = cx * apy - cy * apx;
bCROSScp = bx * cpy - by * cpx;

return ((aCROSSbp > 0.0) && (bCROSScp > 0.0) && (cCROSSap > 0.0));

/* For later use:
Random Point In Triangle
One way to choose a random point in a triangle is based on
Barycentric_Coordinates. Let A, B, C be the three vertices of your
triangle. Any point P inside can be expressed uniquely as P = aA +
bB + cC, where a+b+c=1 and a,b,c are each >= 0. Knowing a and b
permits you to calculate c=1-a-b. So if you can generate two random
numbers a and b, each in [0,1], such that their sum <= 1, you've got
a random point in your triangle. One way to do this is to generate
random a and b independently and uniformly in [0,1] (just divide the
standard C rand() by its max value to get such a random number.) If
a+b>1, replace a by 1-a, b by 1-b. Let c=1-a-b. Then aA + bB + cC is
uniformly distributed in triangle ABC: the reflection step a=1-a;
b=1-b gives a point (a,b) uniformly distributed in the triangle
(0,0)(1,0)(0,1), which is then mapped affinely to ABC. Now you have
barycentric coordinates a,b,c. Compute your point P = aA + bB + cC.
function plotRandomPoint (triangle)
var Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy, a,b,c, Px,Py;

Ax = triangle[0][0];
Ay = triangle[0][1];
Bx = triangle[1][0];
By = triangle[1][1];
Cx = triangle[2][0];
Cy = triangle[2][1];

a = Math.random();
b = Math.random()*(1-a);
c = 1-a-b;
Px = a*Ax + b*Bx + c*Cx;
Py = a*Ay + b*By + c*Cy;

app.activeDocument.pathItems.ellipse (Py+1,Px-1,2,2);

function getRandomPoint (triangle)
var Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy, a,b,c, Px,Py;

Ax = triangle[0][0];
Ay = triangle[0][1];
Bx = triangle[1][0];
By = triangle[1][1];
Cx = triangle[2][0];
Cy = triangle[2][1];

a = Math.random();
b = Math.random();
} while (a + b >= 1);
/* if (a+b >= 1)
a = 1 - a;
b = 1 - b;
} */
c = 1-a-b;
Px = a*Ax + b*Bx + c*Cx;
Py = a*Ay + b*By + c*Cy;

return [Px,Py];

function getCircleThru (v1, v2, v3)
var x1 = v1[0]; var y1 = v1[1];
var x2 = v2[0]; var y2 = v2[1];
var x3 = v3[0]; var y3 = v3[1];

var s = 0.5*((x2 - x3)*(x1 - x3) - (y2 - y3)*(y3 - y1));
var sUnder = (x1 - x2)*(y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1)*(x1 - x3);

if (Math.abs(sUnder) < 0.001)
return null; //insufficient data to calculate center

s /= sUnder;

var xc = 0.5*(x1 + x2) + s*(y2 - y1); // center x coordinate
var yc = 0.5*(y1 + y2) + s*(x1 - x2); // center y coordinate

var radius = Math.sqrt((xc-x1)*(xc-x1)+(yc-y1)*(yc-y1));

return [ xc, yc, radius ];

function bsp_element ( edgeNumber, left, right)
this.edgeNumber = edgeNumber;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

// create a BSP for x extrema
function make_x_BSP (edgelist)
var rootObj = new bsp_element ( 0, null,null );
var i;

for (i=1; i<edgelist.length; i++)
bsp_store (rootObj, edgelist[i]);

function bsp_store (root, edge)
// Entirely to the left?
if (edge[1] < edge[root.edge][0])
if (root.left == null)
root.left = new bsp_element (edge, null,null);
} else
bsp_store (root.left, edge);
// Entirely to the right?
if (edge[0] > edge[root.edge][1])
if (root.right == null)
root.right = new bsp_element (edge, null,null);
} else
bsp_store (root.right, edge);
// Pick nearest
if (edge[1] < edge[root.edge][0])
if (root.left == null)
root.left = new bsp_element (edge, null,null);
} else
bsp_store (root.left, edge);

function ClosestPointInEdgelist (pt, edgelist)
var p, testd, d2, xd, closest;

d2 = FastClosestPointOnLine (pt, [ edgelist[0][0], edgelist[0][1] ]);
closest = 0;

p = 1;

while (p<edgelist.length)
testd = FastClosestPointOnLine (pt, [ edgelist[p][0], edgelist[p][1] ]);
if (testd < d2)
d2 = testd;
closest = p;

d2 = ClosestPointOnLine (pt, edgelist[closest]);
d2.push (closest);
return d2;

// edgelist is a list of [from, to, mid-x] point pairs
// It should be sorted on midpoint x !
function distanceToClosestEdge (pt, edgelist)
var p, testd, d2, xd;

/* if (pt[0] <= edgelist[0][0][0])
return ClosestPointOnLine (pt, [ edgelist[0][0], edgelist[0][1] ])[1];
if (pt[0] >= edgelist[edgelist.length-1][1][0])
return ClosestPointOnLine (pt, [ edgelist[edgelist.length-1][0], edgelist[edgelist.length-1][1] ])[1]; */

d2 = FastClosestPointOnLine (pt, edgelist[0]);

p = 1;

while (p<edgelist.length)
testd = FastClosestPointOnLine (pt, edgelist[p]);
if (testd < d2)
d2 = testd;

return Math.sqrt(d2);

function closestEdge (pt, edgelist)
var p, nearest, testd, d2, xd;

d2 = ClosestPointOnLine (pt, [ edgelist[0][0], edgelist[0][1] ]);
nearest = 0;
p = 1;

while (p<edgelist.length)
testd = ClosestPointOnLine (pt, [ edgelist[p][0], edgelist[p][1] ]);
if (testd[1] < d2[1])
d2 = testd;
nearest = p;

if ((testd[0][0] == edgelist[nearest][0][0] && testd[0][1] == edgelist[nearest][0][1]) ||
(testd[0][0] == edgelist[nearest][1][0] && testd[0][1] == edgelist[nearest][1][1]) )
return -nearest;
return nearest;

// Compute the distance from segment Line to Pt
// Returns Distance^2
function FastClosestPointOnLine (pt, line)
var X1 = line[0][0], Y1 = line[0][1];
var X2 = line[1][0], Y2 = line[1][1];
var px = pt[0], py = pt[1];

var dx = X2 - X1;
var dy = Y2 - Y1;

var nx,ny;

if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
// It's a point not a line segment.
// dx = px - X1
// dy = py - Y1
// distance = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
nx = X1;
ny = Y1;
} else
// Calculate the t that minimizes the distance.
var t = ((px - X1) * dx + (py - Y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);

// See if this represents one of the segment's
// end points or a point in the middle.
if (t <= 0)
nx = X1;
ny = Y1;
} else if (t >= 1)
nx = X2;
ny = Y2;
} else
nx = X1 + t * dx;
ny = Y1 + t * dy;

dx = px - nx;
dy = py - ny;

return dx * dx + dy * dy;

// Compute the distance from segment Line to Pt
// Returns [ Point, Distance ]
function ClosestPointOnLine (pt, line)
var X1 = line[0][0], Y1 = line[0][1];
var X2 = line[1][0], Y2 = line[1][1];
var px = pt[0], py = pt[1];

var dx = X2 - X1;
var dy = Y2 - Y1;

var nx,ny;

if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
// It's a point not a line segment.
// dx = px - X1
// dy = py - Y1
// distance = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
nx = X1;
ny = Y1;
} else
// Calculate the t that minimizes the distance.
var t = ((px - X1) * dx + (py - Y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);

// See if this represents one of the segment's
// end points or a point in the middle.
if (t <= 0)
nx = X1;
ny = Y1;
} else if (t >= 1)
nx = X2;
ny = Y2;
} else
nx = X1 + t * dx;
ny = Y1 + t * dy;

dx = px - nx;
dy = py - ny;

return [ [nx, ny], Math.sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) ];

function point (arr)
this.x = arr[0];
this.y = arr[1];
this.distance = function (pt) { return Math.sqrt ( (this.x-pt.x)*(this.x-pt.x) + (this.y-pt.y)*(this.y-pt.y) ) };






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Sep 06, 2020 Sep 06, 2020

Quick fix (not the most elegant!) is to comment out this line:


if (optionsDlg.show() == 1)


I hope I've understood your intent here. By commenting out the above line, it stops the dialog window from coming up at all and the rest of the script just uses the values you've put in as defaults.



Community Expert ,
Sep 06, 2020 Sep 06, 2020

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Quick fix (not the most elegant!) is to comment out this line:


if (optionsDlg.show() == 1)


I hope I've understood your intent here. By commenting out the above line, it stops the dialog window from coming up at all and the rest of the script just uses the values you've put in as defaults.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2020 Sep 08, 2020

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Perfect! simple I know but that's exactly what I needed. Might save me some head-scratching in the future too.

Many thanks for your help M1b.   




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2020 Sep 08, 2020

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PS. for the sake of others experiencing similar problems, I may be wrong but I think that one of the reasons I was getting confused, and just figured out now having read another thread; when you play a script during the recording of an action, the script itself gets incorporated into the action, ie. if you then alter the original script file this will not get called up when replaying the action, you need to rerecord the script call into the action to make sure your changes are affecting. Happy to be corrected if wrong as I don't want to send others down a rabbit hole.

Thanks again 




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Community Expert ,
Sep 08, 2020 Sep 08, 2020

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I didn't know that. Thanks! 🙂




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