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Hello, I have a problem with the CPU preview. When I press Ctrl + Y/Ctrl + E, the screen freezes until I switch back to normal mode. I tried solutions from the Adobe community, but they don't work for me, and I see that they are from 2017.
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Hello @Rafael22926197qa7h,
I am sorry to hear about your experience. Could you share more details, like the OS/Illustrator version and if this happens with all files, so we can look into this further?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Thank you for responding so quickly. The version is 28.7.1. I'm not sure what you mean by all the files, but I only have Illustrator. If you need to see something specific, you can tell me the path and I'll take a screenshot for you.
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Hello, I would like to know if there has been any progress in resolving my issue. I am still experiencing the same problem 😞
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Hello @Rafael22926197qa7h,
Sorry for the delayed response, and thanks for confirming the version of Illustrator installed. Would you mind confirming a few more details like:
Is Illustrator completely frozen out when switching to CPU Preview, or is it slow?
Could you share a screen recording of your workflow?
Do you have this problem when working with specific files, or does it happen with new files?
Additionally, would you mind trying to run Illustrator under Safe Mode (Windows / macOS) and checking if it helps?
I look forward to hearing from you.
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Same issue here. Iam 99% sure original poster has the same problem.
My Illustrator version:
Latest 2025 CC. It doesnt matter, cause it has been happening since CC 2024. OR at least when i switched to my AMD laptop in like mid 2024.
My laptop specs:
Ryzen 7 8645HS with Radeon 780M
As the original poster specified, the whole view of the program, the tab of the artboards, the actuall workspace just stops outputing when enabling any form of CPU displaying. But the icons, and zoom values on the edges of the program do update. So it does freeze only the part, where the sceene is displayed. Can be Outline view or direct CPU view. Doesn't matter, the program just stops displaying the workspace. When I try to move in the scene, nothing is happening, but when I switch back to GPU display, the work area is updated. Like the program itself does not freeze, my inputs are registered, it just does not update any visual.
the CPU rendering just does not work in illustrator. No settings help, no compatibility windows app settings help, no gpu driver settings help, no driver updates help, GPU acceleration in photoshop can be disabled and the display still works, so its only Illustrator, that has this problem.
Pretty sure this is compatibility issue with this specific hardware and Illustrator. Again, it has NEVER worked on this laptop. For like 6 months now.