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Hi there,
After the installation of Monterey all EPS are without preview... What can I do
1 Correct answer
I found this working solution on Apple forum.
I tested it and it works great. Please pay attention to copy modfied qlgenerator in Library/QuickLook, NOT in System/Library/QuickLook
- Copy the "Illustrator.qlgenerator" from "/System/Library/QuickLook" to your desktop or any other folder you have read/write access to.
- Open "Illustrator.qlgenerator" by right clicking it and select "Show package contents".
- Open "Info.plist" in the "Contents" folder with a text editor.
- Find the line "<string>
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Those are not workarounds. It's the system's job.
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Erm... I have to carry out actions to make a feature operate correctly because there's an error in the system = a workaround. Simple really.
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complain to Apple.
Here's how:
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This is incredibly frustrating and eps files are still widely used and preferred by printers and promo companies. I am a graphic designer who has to save eps files often. I tried the workaround with the "Illustrator.qlgenerator" file, but it would not let me move it back into the library. I really hope the next update fixes this problem.
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Have you tried adding it to your user library?
Create the QuickLook folder if it's not there.
If that doesnt work try
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The System Library folder is no longer writeable. In the same folder as the System folder is a Library folder. Inside that is a QuickLook folder. Put the modified plist file there.
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"The System library is no longer writable" so put it in the System library?
In what way did you improve my previous answer?
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/System is not writeable
/System/Library is therefore also not writeable
/Library (without system in it) is writeable.
That's where I put the modified plist file, and it worked.
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There are multiple Library folders. One inside System that's not writeable, one on the same level as System that is, and then there are user Library folders. It may well work, for one user, to put the plist file inside the user's Library folder. However, that would only work for the one user, and when I go to look, there is no QuickLook folder inside /(user)/Library but there is one inside /Library.
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Yes I know and I answered that 11 days ago hence my questiuon to you.
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Thank you! This worked for me. I was going crazy trying to figure out how to save that file back in the same location it came from, never knowing it had to be saved in the non-system /Library.
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So this fix worked before but after the latest OS update 12.2.1 the file can no longer be copied back into the folder. I've tried changing the permissions and even adding myself but that doesn't seem to work either as "I don't have permissions". Any help here? I HATE not being able to preview EPS files and makes my work flow much harder.
Thanks all!
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please try this way. it works for me on monetrey 12.3.1 (21E258)
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this link was work for me on monetrey12.3.1
but after upgrade to 12.5.
it doesnt work anymore.....
any way can slove the problem in 12.5 please? thanks.
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I'm having trouble copying the updated file into my Library. It is locked, so how do I replace it?
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Works in 12.6 after I upgraded from Big Sur but I didn't immediately see the 'Illustrator.qlgenerator' file needs to be in '/Library/QuickLook' rather than 'System/Library/QuickLook'. Recognising the two different locations, it's now sorted. Thank you.
Just to note regarding EPS comments — I tend to use the Photoshop EPS format for photo image placement as it is a lossless image format for print. The trick here is that once placed in InDesign, the PDF exports by compressing the EPS binary code offering highly compressed files without losing image quality. JPGs, not being a lossless format, compresses pixel image information to reduce its size; once the definition is lost, you can't call it back later unless you still have the original. For Illustrator, I use the AI format, or export PDF (editable features disabled) for onward processes which helps to optimise the file.
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Install the file in the users library or MacOS may spit it out later.
The tilde character below is used to represent the user acoount.
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After experiencing this issue for a second time, I was hoping to quickly correct referring to this post again but this link doesn't work.
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Link is dead but you can find the solution in this thread on åage 1 and 2 so just go back here.
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Page 1 and 2 ....
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Can anyone confirm that this fix ist permanent?
I had a user today, where the file was removed from /Library/Quicklook/ after the update to macOS 12.3.1 and I'm still looking into it wether it's an individual issue or if Apple is doing that on purpose...
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The folder /Library is not owned by a specific user and could very well be changed by Apple later on.
Your personal library is located at:
lena/Library (if lena is your user)
It's often written with a tilde meaning "the user)
Create a Quicklook folder there if it's missing.
Follow the instructions but place it in your personal library, not higher up in the hierarchy.
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Thanks, that works, survived the update from 12.2 to 12.3.1. I was hoping for a system-wide fix/workarround, though.
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I'm struggling with this one too. Neither AI nor EPS files show thumbnails anymore on Finder on my M1 Mac Mini. I have also tried that Quicklook Plist solution but it did absolutely nothing. Maybe it worked before but not anymore.
This is extremely frustrating since I have hundreds of EPS files and I can't navigate through them anymore with ease. I think this issue is with Apple but I think Adobe should really make Apple fix this ASAP. This is a serious bug affecting a lot of creative people who work with Illustrator files. With older MacOS there were no issues showing EPS or AI thumbnails but the latest versions of macOS just screw up everything. I mean I cannot even quick preview EPS files right now since the space bar method simply does not work. In all honestly Finder is a total mess on Monterey! The only way to view EPS files is pretty much to drag them to the Preview app and view it there. But that is a just ridiculous workaround in 2022.
Does anyone have any new fixes or solutions to this problem? Anyone who is struggling with this should definitely write Apple a strongly worded feedback since if enough people do it, they will fix it. You can do that here:
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It works for me;)
Imac M1
Monterey 12.3.1