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Why does text get exported as png so grain??
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Please post a screenshot.
And the settings you are using for export
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everything is super unclear.
how should I save my images for it to appear sharply?
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Try to save them as 2x the resolution or 144 ppi
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why do I have a whole scroll down list?
[image: image.png]
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If you use Export > Export for Screens you have several options.
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May I ask whether you saw all the 4 answers to this one?
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there are only two answers in all the replies.
one is to try 2x resolution or 144 ppi - which I have no idea how to do
the other is to export for screens, and that option exports it even worse.
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Ton described it in this thread.
Apart from that in your screenshot I'm seeing nothing bad.
YOu are exporting to pixels. You will not be able to zoom into it.
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With Export for screens as suggested by Ton, you ought to be able to see the options in the screenshot.
Otherwise, you can use Save for Web and multiply by 2 in the Image Size window.
But my question was actually about your other question, the thread about Rounded only on the outside, where 4 different answers were given, hence the link in my post.
Edit: And what Monika said 56 seconds before this.
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Times 4 is fine. I always prefer doublings of 72PPI.
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would you go into my portfolio to see if the resolution of all my work is
to present this way.
I'm a bit weary before sharing it with the public...
thank you.
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Which file formats are accepted by
If SVG is included you can display vector artwork without worrying about resolution and blurriness/graininess/jaggedness, because SVG can keep it vector instead of raster.
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only jpeg.
I wish I could,
any way to do that??
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I am afraid there is no way to get round the different restrictions set up by different providers, Hendy.
All you can do is try to make the least worst of it. In this connexion, the doubling(s) of resolution/pixel x pixel number gives the best possible basis for a corresponding downsampling.
I hope you can get away with the times 4 when uploading.
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Generally when should I use 4 times??
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Hendy, apologizing for the length, here is a slightly elaborated version of something I have posted earlier, with an answer to your question in context (obviously, you can only use PNGs where applicable, but the general considerations also apply to JPEGs):
If you wish to have PNGs (PNG24 (also (little) known as PNG32, it holds 24 bit colour and 8 bit Alpha channel (transparency)), of course) look crisp and clean, at least when it is (also) to be used at moderate screen resolutions, it is important to have the images in the exact desired final pixel x pixel size, or at sizes that are powers of 2 times as large, in other words 2x, 4x, 8x, and so on: the larger values can improve the appearance on high resolution screens and still ensure best possible appearance at low resolution screens, owing to controlled downsampling that gives exactly the same colour in each pixel at 1x as when created at 1x; or work at 72PPI or powers of 2 times as large (144PPI, 266PPI, 576PPI, and so on).
Forget about print related image resolution such as 300PPI which may actually lead to wrong sizes and hence blurriness, and to colour issues by uncontrolled downsampling.
It is easiest and safest to work at the desired size when creating the artwork.
It is important to remember that a raster image represents the whole appearance, including strokes, so to make sure you get it right you can click Use Preview Bounds in the General Preferences (and untick it afterwards).
A very common unsuitable way is to Export to PNG (remember to use PNG24 and use Transparency for artwork to be in front of different backgrounds) with a medium or high resolution, such as 300PPI.
And a common misunderstanding: (almost) 11 out of 10 times, a statement like "I created the document at 300 PPI" means that the value is chosen in Effect>Document Raster Effects Settings; however that only means that the (current) resolution of any raster effects applied to the vector artwork, such as (any kind of) Blur, is set to that value (and only unless/until the value is changed to something else); when zooming in, this resolution can be seen in contrast to and on the background of the vector artwork. So this setting has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual resolution of a raster image created from the (vector) artwork (but it ought to (at least) match it).
For clean and crisp artwork avoid JPEG; to get the colours right, you may wish/need to finalize by opening the PNG in PS (Photoshop) and attach the (missing) colour profile (such as sRGB) there.
It is also important to have the artwork and also the Artboard(s) placed fully within integer/whole pixel X and Y values in the Workspace, which means that the X and Y values at the corners must be integer; this can be ensured by using one of the corner Reference Points in the Transform palette, and then checking that all the values X, Y, W, and H, are integer (the centre Reference Point can only be used if both W and H are even numbers).
If you have issues with the Artboard(s), make sure the rulers are Global Rulers (RightClick), if not change from Artboard to Global Rulers; and to align your artboards, click the Rearrange All Artboards button in the Artboards panel. First posted by Ton here,
Otherwise the resulting image will become a bit wider/taller and the extension(s) will be empty and therefore be (partially) transparent/white.
Therefore, a safe way is to create the artwork at the final pixel x pixel size and use a corresponding Artboard, then use the Legacity Save for Web (where you can look in the Image Size window for size confirmation and possibly multiply by 2, 4, 8, whatever), or use Export at 72PPI (or 144/288/576/whatever PPI), or use Export for Screens (in either way). In either case, use the relevant optimization (available with both ways); it is also convenient to have 72PPI (or 144/288/576/whatever PPI) in the Effect>Document Raster Effect Settings.
If you have pure vector artwork, you can relax a bit and have the artwork/Artboard at any size (the Artboard must have the same proportions as the final image), then use the Legacity Save for Web and set either Width or Height in the Image Size and Apply (make sure the other value is also correct).
The Legacy Save for Web may be an old carthorse, but it knows its way home, even if the driver is drunk and sleeping it off in the hay in the back.
Or you can switch to SVG, if applicable.
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I still have a few questions
1. I still don't understand why I wouldn't choose 300PPI as my resolution.
we alway learned that that is the best.
2. what's the option png 8?
Does that mean it's multiplied 8 times?
Otherwise, how do I multiply it more than 4 times?
3. what's the difference between
a. saving in asset export
b. export for screens
c. save for web
thank you for your help
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PNG 8 is similar to GIF.
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i don't see that option
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1) I believe this answer from Bobby may give a glimpse of what is needed to ensure clear text (and other artwork) and how print based advice can go against it,
2) PNG24 gives you a full set of colours, just like JPEG, where as PNG8 gives you a limited set of 256 colours, the same as GIF, just as Monika said. So no reason to consider it (for decades).
It is quite simple to multiply 8 times, or 16, times, or whichever number, with the Save for Web just by multiplying (*8 or *16 or whichever number) in the Image Size window.
3) You can see more about it here, under Import, export, and save,
and you can also look at some of the other subjects.