I am looking to see if there is a way to render out a structured logo pack from illustrator using one button.
The logo pack i have designed is created to help people find the right logo to use for the right purpose. For example if you need a high res print file with transparant background you would follow the path of
CMYK_For_Print > PNG_300_DPI
Currently when creating logo packs i render out the assets by file type, SVG, PNG, JPEG and then spend some time draggin the assets to the correct folder, but im wondering if there is a way to render the various logo types into a specific folders creating the structured logo pack saving me a lot of work. I have over 100 logo packs to create for variations of the main brand logo im using.
I have included an image of the logo pack file structure. It might seem a bit folder heavy but if you follow the process of why you need the logo and for what purpose it should take someone with no knowledge of logos or file types to the right place.