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batch exporting script SVG to DXF scaling issue

Community Beginner ,
Oct 02, 2024 Oct 02, 2024

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Does anyone have any idea why when I run the following java script my resulting DXF file is the wrong scale? If I do the process manually I get the correct result. Thanks very much



// Define the folder containing the SVG files
var folderPath = Folder.selectDialog("Select the folder with SVG files");

// Check if the folder is valid
if (folderPath != null) {
// Get all SVG files in the folder
var svgFiles = folderPath.getFiles("*.svg");

// Loop through each SVG file
for (var i = 0; i < svgFiles.length; i++) {
var svgFile = svgFiles[i];

// Open the SVG file
var activeDoc = app.open(svgFile);

// Select all objects in the active document

// Set the name for the DXF file (same as the SVG file, but with .dxf extension)
var dxfFileName = svgFile.name.replace(".svg", ".dxf");
var dxfFilePath = folderPath.fsName + "/" + dxfFileName;

// Set the export options for DXF
var dxfOptions = new ExportOptionsAutoCAD();
dxfOptions.exportFileFormat = AutoCADExportFileFormat.DXF; // Use DXF format

// Set artwork scale to ensure 1 point = 1 unit
dxfOptions.artworkScale = 1; // 1 point = 1 unit

// Preserve appearance
dxfOptions.preserveAppearance = true;

// Only export selected objects
dxfOptions.selectedOnly = true; // Export only selected art

// Export the selected objects as DXF to the same location
var dxfFile = new File(dxfFilePath);
activeDoc.exportFile(dxfFile, ExportType.AUTOCAD, dxfOptions);

// Close the document without saving changes

// Alert the user for each file processed
$.writeln("Processed: " + svgFile.name);

// Alert when all SVGs have been exported
alert("All SVG files have been successfully exported as DXF to the same folder!");
} else {
alert("No folder selected. Script canceled.");

Import and export , Scripting






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Community Expert ,
Oct 02, 2024 Oct 02, 2024

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Hi @ezrah66252122, the code—chatGPT I guess—had some settings that don't seem to exist in the documentation so that might have been a problem. I've fixed it up as far as I can, but I don't have any software that can test the scale, except by opening the exported dxf back into Illustrator, which works perfectly. Give it a try.

- Mark



(function () {

    // Define the folder containing the SVG files
    var folderPath = Folder.selectDialog("Select the folder with SVG files");

    if (!folderPath)

    // Get all SVG files in the folder
    var svgFiles = folderPath.getFiles("*.svg");

    // Loop through each SVG file
    for (var i = 0; i < svgFiles.length; i++) {

        var svgFile = svgFiles[i];

        // Open the SVG file
        var activeDoc = app.open(svgFile);
        // Select all objects in the active document

        // Set the name for the DXF file (same as the SVG file, but with .dxf extension)
        var dxfFileName = svgFile.name.replace(".svg", ".dxf");
        var dxfFilePath = folderPath.fsName + "/" + dxfFileName;

        // Set the export options for DXF
        var dxfOptions = new ExportOptionsAutoCAD();
        dxfOptions.exportFileFormat = AutoCADExportFileFormat.DXF; // Use DXF format
        dxfOptions.unit = AutoCADUnit.Points;
        dxfOptions.unitScaleRatio = 1;
        dxfOptions.exportSelectedArtOnly = true;
        dxfOptions.version = AutoCADCompatibility.AutoCADRelease24;
        // Export the selected objects as DXF to the same location
        var dxfFile = new File(dxfFilePath);
        activeDoc.exportFile(dxfFile, ExportType.AUTOCAD, dxfOptions);

        // Close the document without saving changes

        // Alert the user for each file processed
        $.writeln("Processed: " + svgFile.name);

    // Alert when all SVGs have been exported
    alert("All SVG files have been successfully exported as DXF to the same folder!");







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