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Hi everyone.
I tried to draw isomatric.
Top layer is isomatric guides made of stroke and 2nd one is drawing place.
The guide is low opacity and I tryed to drarw along it.
my problem is that draw a filled solid but smart guides is not woking on the filled solid along the guide.
Is it my illustrator setting wrong or someting?
My IA is CC 2022
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That GIF doesn't load.
Did you try turning your lines into guides? WIth View > Guides > Make
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Thank you reply!
I tried it.But smart guides was still not working even though turned lines into guide.
I put the gif here again because it might not work.
It is ok to snaping in empty space .But it is to be not working on the inside filled shape.
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And putting the layer with the guides on top is not an option?
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The guide layer is always top.
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Unlock your top layer "Guide" that contains the grid.
One may think that it should also work if that layer is locked, but it doesn't.
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Thank you reply!
Well, I can draw when unlock the guide layer, but happening pen tool is not able to finish.
You said that, but I saw locked guide layer working on nothers tutorial video (eg YouTude etc). Unfortunaly it does not teach me how to do. So I think Ai can.
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Thanks for the elaboration.
I cannot reproduce the issue about the non-closing paths. Perhaps you may want to share a sample Illustrator file.