Can't save in Illustrator CS2

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I posted on the 25th Oct:-
"Have updated to CS2, everything fine except in Illustrator.
When saving work in the "Save as" or "Save a copy" I get "an unknown error
has occurred"
Even if I open work made prior to the upgrade from CS and then amend it, I
get the same "an unknown error has occurred", when I try to save it
I can save in other formats without problem, but I can't save my work in the
Illustrator format to return to later.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled without success.
Please has anyone else come across this, or can anybody advise a solution to
this problem?
Thanks in advance to all those that take the time to reply.
David "
Since then I have checked the Adobe forum for Illustrator and there appears
to be considerable traffic on this apparent "BUG" in illustrator, it also
seems to be hitting CS as well as CS2.
I find it amazing that Adobe can release software with problems such as
this. How can their credibility withstand issuing software that can't even
save in its own natural format.
It would appear that this bug was evident way back in March, yet here we are
still suffering in November, more that 8 months and still no word from
Any self respecting company would have pulled the offending software from
the shelves until they had a solution, yet Adobe seems not to have even
responded to the problem.
I'm sure there must be thousands of us out here that paid for this defective Adobe software and received a load of junk for their money.
If you feel as strongly as I do about it, how about a mass mailing to the
Adobe forums and let them know how you feel.They might eventually get the
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After trying all and really all the suggestions above while running Illustrator CS2 under Vista Home, I am still facing the same problem: can't save as .pdf.
However, saving as .ai is working when saving version downgrading to Illustrator 8.
But I need to save as .pdf - please, only one more good suggestion which will work out on my desk.
Thank you
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Good luck to the other sufferers.
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I have has this problem with both CS2 and CS3.
I have tried:
deleting AIprefs file
Deleting contents of Application settings/illustrator CS2/3 file
Copying the CMAP file from acrobat
Still no joy.
Any more suggestions?
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The hidden folder with the name Adobe Illustrator CS2 (or CS3) Settings is the one to search and destroy while Illy is closed; sometimes it only works if you move it to the Desktop.
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While I can create drawings and print media in AI CS3, I can save nothing to a file! That renders AI useless. If that is not enough, I am unable to complete my schooling because I cannot submit my work if I can't save it. And I have paid quite a lot of money for this software that won't save a file. I am completely stuck in my business development, and talking to first tier support at Adobe on the telephone accomplishes nothing but incur cell phone costs!
Here are some of my ideas about what *may* be causing or are contributory to AI CS3's inability to save any file. However, I don't have the technical expertise to either diagnose or resolve these possible interactions, or their effects; Use of any registry cleaner, including Your Uninstaller 2006, Glary Utilities, Macecraft's RegSupremePro, ccleaner, and/or Regvac, EVEN if you protect Adobe registry entries, these are apparently contributory or associated with the problem. Any alteration, renaming OR removal *Apples Bonjour Service,* aaka MDSNresponder,... even though these directions are advised on Adobe sponsored websites....., will apparently cause and/or exacerbate this same problem.
Finally, A complete removal and re-install of AI-CS3 WILL NOT fix the issue of not being able to save any file created in AI CS3. The only thing that I've found that WILL fix the issue, at least temporarily, but often not beyond first or second use of AI, is the re-install of the Windows Vista OS, and of course this is not practical.
Because of my extensive use of other softwares on the same computer in which AI is installed, I am almost certain there are others that are incompatible with AI CS3, or contributory to it's malfunction, but the extent to which I use my computer and it's various softwares quickly compounds my lack of ability to discover exactly what else may be causing this problem. I have work to do and I cannot spend several hours of every day attempting to do Adobes software testing.
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You are not the only one.
A new hire required my company to buy (against my advice) CS3. That new hire and her co-worker now cannot save Illustrator files.
My own copy of AI CS3 (Master Collection) stopped working on this laptop yesterday, with no changes having been made. The dreaded "Licencing for this product has stopped working" message appears upon launch.
The knowledge base "fixes" for this are both ineffectual and erroneous. (The .exe for Illustrator is NOT located in the app's folder by the default install; a shortcut to it is.)
Reinstalling just Illustrator from the original Master Collection discs took almost AN HOUR!
That got Illustrator to where it would at least launch again. But now, of course, I need to install the bug fix updates. So I dutifully check for updates and try to install the one update it finds. (This despite there having been two issued since the release of this buggy software.) Download and try to install that, and I get a message saying the update cannot be installed on this product.
There has been absolutely NOTHING sweet about my experience with Creative Suite 3 Master Collection. I strongly recommend against anyone buying this product.
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I have worked at it for weeks with no success to report only faliure.
From my inquiries it is all over the place.
If you open a blank doc page and immediately use Save As no problem, you can save with any of the file extensions available,however put a letter, word or circle on the page then use the same Save As, you will get the error message, the Print Service change has worked for a relative few, the moving of the App with associated files to desk top for a few, but that SAVE file problem, seems to be a keeper for most of us.
Just adding my 2 cents for the Adobe folks to take note of, maybe they will feel sorry for those of us who forked out 700 bucks for their latest bundle
PS Try the Extrude and Bevel tools after getting the cannot save message, you will then get another error message, they are tied together somehow but no one else has brought it up.
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While this software is not the only software having this problem on Vista, [the shutting down of software, w/obscure and ambiguous "OS" messages, that are not necessarily related to just "saving a file" in the affected software]. It's then obvious that it's at least XP-Vista "Windows," that must have a role in the problem wouldn't you say? And it is documented here two years back, well before Vista release. I'd go back to XP in a heart beat if I thought I could get drivers for the proprietary laptop I'm running. I tried it once with no luck.
After reading the previous post I tried the saving an empty file, it worked. I added one character of text and saved it, and that worked. [Meaning Ai did not shut down]. I then added a string of characters to the same open file and it saved as well. Then I started adding rectangles and other shapes one at a time using "save as," each time, and none of that shut Ai down. I fiddled some more adding strokes and colors, and none of that shut it down. Then I noted that I was saving a CMYK document, so I changed it to RGB and it wouldn't "save as," going through that exact same process.
In fact I first noted this RGB anomaly early on. I took that issue in my only support call to Adobe, and in their return call, they said, "having searched their record that they had one other support issue over the same RBG saving problem." They'd mucked up my Windows set up so bad having me trouble shoot it over the phone the first time, that I had to reinstall Vista, and I told them this, and that I wasn't willing to go through any more trouble shooting on the issue. What really gets me is that you know they are trouble shooting this with their own installations of Vista, probably under a hundred different configurations, and they don't acknowledge these problems or offer a fix!
I have an iMac G5 that I don't use, but I'd be happy if they'd give me a copy for use on it and if it worked I might at some point my a Mac Book so I can go on about my business and schooling.
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Make sure Illustrator CS3 is not running
Go to Macintosh HD > Users > "username" > Library > Preferences > Adobe Illustrator CS3 Settings
Dump the contents into a back-up folder on your desktop (Illustrator will generate a new set of preferences when you launch it again)
Open Illustrator and you should be able to save as AI files
I read on another forum that corrupted preferences files causes this error message. Illustrator creates new preferences on it's own if you delete them, so this worked for me.
I'm particular about the way my window and palettes are set up, so I drug the "Adobe Illustrator Prefs" file, the "Workspaces" folder and the "AIMenuFaceCache" file back into the Settings folder from my back-up folder on my desktop so my palettes would go back to their original positions.
I hope this helps; I know this is frustrating.
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I'm actually starting to think that running a VM for my software (even if it's XP on XP) and keeping a clean image backed up could avoid a lot of configuration problems and I'd never have to reinstall. the only issue is my current PC doesn't have the grunt at this point....
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on Google Groups
...seems the problem is tied to the print spooler
1.make sure print spooler is enabled
2.make adobe pdf as the default printer
like i said this seems to be working; illi was shutting down on me, i followed the above steps and opened illi again, worked on a file then "saved as" and it saved (hung for a sec but 1st time only)
winblows 2003 enterprise
amd x2 4800
4 gigs
and saving illi files for now
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Finally, I did a Save As... and used the SVG file type. It saved, and upon reopening the SVG in CS3, I saw the document restored whole and uncorrupted. I would recommend that anyone experiencing this save their work as SVG for now, and forget the AI format.
I'm also working on uninstalling my Zune software from this workstation--saw that somewhere on as a potential problem.
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Thanks again
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Problem resolved - I am on Win7 32-bit, running Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Reader 10.0. Post # 141 (reproduced below) provided the instructions necessary to fix the problem for me, which started just about two weeks ago.
"141. Dec 8, 2007 3:23 PM (in response to Guest )
Re: Can't save in Illustrator CS2Thanks again
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worked for me..fixed!!!
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I don't know why one has to do with the other but when I uninstalled my Zune software Illustrator seems to be saving OK now.
Dang, now how am I going to get my podcasts on the old Zune 30.
There may be a conflict.
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Right-click on the Illustrator EXE file, choose properites, click the compatibility tab, and then select "disable desktop composition." This will turn off Vista Aero and give you a Vista Basic interface.In XP menue is like this :
Disable visual themes - check this box
and also Allow non-administrators to run this program
Since the various CS2 apps' UIs behave very inconsistently in Vista/ XP I have done this wilth all of them and it works now.
But there is still one problem:
after doing this...the program saved one copy and on the second try it was back... so I read more topics in related forums and saw that it only happens with one file which has a rather unconventional font on it;
Try to change any fonts to arial or something that may work eith you and then try again saving;
I can finally meet my deadlines now..Hope it will work for you;
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When opening the file again the only thing you have to do is turn the visibility of the layers on again. when saving turn them off again.
Hope I could help with this solution...
greets n
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