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Ci dessous exemple d'adobe stock pour faciliter ma question , je voudrais réaliser des terrains comme celui ci dans différentes positions ,
comment procéder pour le réaliser ? quels outils utilisés pour cela ?
j'ai crée un terrain de football dans illustrator , mais c'est un dessin à plat .
une fois le terrain réalisé , je dois ajouter des joueurs dejà dessinés dans illustrator
merci pour votre aide
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Dominique RENUCCI 23 janv. 2018 11:19 (en réponse à Monika Gause)
Good evening
Thank you for your answer, but I would like to know if there is a tutorial which shows me exactly how to create a soccer pitch with this famous perspective grid.
I have tried to find a complete tutorial the last weeks without success .
for example I don 't know if I must used : 1 point perspective or 2 points perspective or 3 ....................
For more clarity in the drawings , I want to use an isometric perspective as football players will be on this field .
thank you for your help
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You probably won't find a tutorial for the soccer field, so you might just want to read the documentation and learn the basics.
And perhaps this helps as well: some basics of perspective.
Perspective drawing basics: 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective
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Use the perspective grid.
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Good evening
Thank you for your answer, but I would like to know if there is a tutorial which shows me exactly how to create a soccer pitch with this famous perspective grid.
I have tried to find a complete tutorial the last weeks without success .
for example I don 't know if I must used : 1 point perspective or 2 points perspective or 3 ....................
For more clarity in the drawings , I want to use an isometric perspective as football players will be on this field .
thank you for your help
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Hi Dominique (bonjour)
Apart from the article that was linked explaining how to use the Perspective tool, I've found some videos exactly on the subject you are searching, like this one:
Once the drawing is done to your liking, you can then use the perspective tool to modify the perspective like shown here:
Also some more info on this next page:
I hope this helps.