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Hi, can anyone help with a script which can display these opened windows in illustrator in a panel with each document as a button.
It will help in doing back and forth with ease by clicking those buttons.
My working involves opening of lot of files and navigating them get difficult when I have lot of files opened.
I would generally use a resizable list box with a scroll. Because if there are more documents open than the height of the monitor, the interface with buttons will be cut off. Technical limitations of Illustrator.
On macOS with the "palette" type interface, Adobe has a bug that causes the script interface to move behind the Illustrator window on every click in the document. This bug does not exist on PC. Mac users should run the script from the File > Scripts menu to avoid this bug.
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Try this. After each document activation, Illustrator reorders the array of open documents so that all open documents are added to the array first. Long filenames shortened to 20 characters.
Warning: This version does not work on PCs. The problem is solved in the second version of the script
#target illustrator
#targetengine docSwitcher
// Save the current order because after activating doc all array reordered
var docs = get(app.documents);
function main () {
var win = new Window("palette", "Document Switcher");
win.preferredSize.width = 200;
win.spacing = 20;
win.alignChildren = "fill";
var docsGrp = win.add("group");
docsGrp.orientation = "column";
docsGrp.alignChildren = "fill";
for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
addButton(docsGrp, docs[i].name, i);
var btnClose = win.add("button", undefined, "Close");
for (var j = 0; j < docsGrp.children.length; j++) {
docsGrp.children[j].onClick = function () {
sendMessage(; = true; = false;
btnClose.onClick = function () {
// Convert collection into standard Array
function get(coll) {
var out = [];
for (var i = 0, len = coll.length; i < len; i++) {
return out;
// Generate buttons
function addButton(target, name, idx) {
if (name.length > 20) name = name.slice(0, 20) + '...';
var btn = target.add("button", undefined, name.slice(), { idx: idx });
return btn;
function sendMessage(idx) {
var bt = new BridgeTalk(); = BridgeTalk.appSpecifier;
var msg = switchDoc + "\rswitchDoc(" + idx.toSource() + ");";
bt.body = msg;
function switchDoc(idx) {
app.activeDocument = docs[idx];
// Run script
try {
} catch (e) {}
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Hi, thanks for the script.
It does displays them in a list with doc name but navigation and clicking do not work.
Also, is it possible to:
1- reduce the button size to 50-70%
2- on mouse hover, it displays full name
3- display in 2 columns
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It does displays them in a list with doc name but navigation and clicking do not work.
What operating system? What version of Illustrator? On Mac OS buttons works.
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Windows 10 pro
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I would generally use a resizable list box with a scroll. Because if there are more documents open than the height of the monitor, the interface with buttons will be cut off. Technical limitations of Illustrator.
On macOS with the "palette" type interface, Adobe has a bug that causes the script interface to move behind the Illustrator window on every click in the document. This bug does not exist on PC. Mac users should run the script from the File > Scripts menu to avoid this bug.
DocumentSwitcher.jsx for Adobe Illustrator
Description: Displays a list of currently open documents and allows you to activate any document with a single click.
Date: July, 2024
Author: Sergey Osokin,
FOR MAC OS: Run the script from File > Scripts. This avoids the z-ordering problem of the script window.
#target illustrator
#targetengine docSwitcher
(function () {
// Save the current order because after activating doc all array reordered
var docs = getDocsInfo();
var win = new Window("palette", "Document Switcher", undefined, {resizeable: true});
win.preferredSize.width = 200;
win.spacing = 20;
win.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
var listbox = win.add("listbox", undefined, undefined,
numberOfColumns: 2,
showHeaders: true,
columnTitles: ["#", "Document Name"],
multiselect: false
var btnClose = win.add("button", undefined, "Close");
btnClose.alignment = ["center", "bottom"];
listbox.onChange = function () {
btnClose.onClick = function () {
win.onResizing = function () {
win.onActivate = function () {
if (listbox.children.length !== app.documents.length) {
// Add opened documents list
function addList(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var row = listbox.add("item", i + 1);
row.subItems[0].text = arr[i].name;
// Select list items and zoom to them contents
function selectListItem(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < listbox.children.length; i++) {
if (listbox.children[i].selected) {
sendMessage(arr[i].path, arr[i].name);
function sendDocumentList() {
var bt = new BridgeTalk(); = BridgeTalk.appSpecifier;
var msg = getDocsInfo + "\rgetDocsInfo().toSource()";
bt.body = msg;
bt.onResult = function(result) {
docs = eval(result.body);
// Get documents info
function getDocsInfo() {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++) {
name: app.documents[i].name,
path: app.documents[i].fullName
return arr;
function sendMessage(docPath, docName) {
var bt = new BridgeTalk(); = BridgeTalk.appSpecifier;
var msg = switchDoc + "\rswitchDoc(" + docPath.toSource() + "," + docName.toSource() + ");";
bt.body = msg;
function switchDoc(docPath, docName) {
var f = new File(docPath);
if (f.exists) { File(docPath));
} else {
Upd 1: Dialog is now resizable. Fixed for PC
Upd 2: After opening or closing documents, the panel updates the list
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Listbox with scroll is ok.. can you make the panel frame resizable?
Further, I again checked this new script and it doesn't navigate and do nothing even after clicking.
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Try the last updated script
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Works fine.. thanks a lot.
Though resizing is bit laggy, but it can be managed. Thanks for quick resolution. 🙂
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A small issue I am seeing is that, say if 10 documents are opened then the panel will display 10 in the list.
But when I open few more documents then the list do not updates, it still displays only 10 docs.
Also, is it possible to scroll and move the documents up and down in the panel resulting scrolling of opened files.
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Also, is it possible to scroll and move the documents up and down in the panel resulting scrolling of opened files.
These requests are not within the scope of the dialog script capabilities.
In the updated post above, check the dynamic document list. It works like this: when you activate the script window, it checks the length of the list and the number of open documents, if they don't match, it rebuilds the list.
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This works.
The only issue I am seeing is, when there is any change in the document list, it does update but it takes time of some seconds and is not instantaneous...
As it take times the same panel becomes unresponsive and working flow slows with other tasks within illustrator.
Can this be instant?
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It can't be instantaneous. It is a tortuous path of collecting and sending current data between Adobe Illustrator and the script palette via the BridgeTalk module.
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oh, in that case, can you please revert or share the copy of the previous script without auto-update option.
I have to frequently open and close tabs and this delay is causing workflow slowdown and software unresponsiveness.
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The "palette" window type in scripts with BridgeTalk always has a number of side issues. This is the price of always running it on top of Illustrator. But why not create a script with a modal dialog that can be launched as needed with a hotkey to switch documents and close them. The modal script will gather actual information about open documents at the moment it is launched.
The unexplained reason for both versions of the script is that on a PC (Windows), the script that collects information about open documents runs for 2 seconds. On Mac OS it starts immediately.
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Modal dialog would be better for this. Panels in Ai made with scripts are really not worth it.
Modals launch faster and there is no real need (at least for me) to see the list of opened docs all the time (given the fact we can’t disable tabs really). So I’d assign it to a hotkey (actions will work with a modal script as wel properly), and call it only when I need to see/find the docs.
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Final modal dialog version