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Fiz umtexto simples e create outlines e copiei e tentei colcar no photoshop.
Funcionou 1x, e das outras vezes vem um texto enorme, ou nem colca nada.
Poderiam me orientar nesse caso?
Could you please show us screenshots?
Please do also check the settings for the clipboard in the Preferences in bith applications. Maybe in Illustrator try and turn off SVG
And: please check if there is something installed in your system that interferes with the clipboard
Copy link to clipboard
Could you please show us screenshots?
Please do also check the settings for the clipboard in the Preferences in bith applications. Maybe in Illustrator try and turn off SVG
And: please check if there is something installed in your system that interferes with the clipboard
Copy link to clipboard
Quando copiei do ILLUSTRATOR e colei no PHOTOSHOP não funcionou colar.
quando cliquei em texto e colei, apareceu na linguagem HTM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 556.351 139.76953"><path d="m117.69294.5l-42.03613,138.76953h-32.94678L.6739.5h36.07129l23.71631,81.08105L84.74567.5h32.94727Z" style="fill:none; stroke:#000;"/><path d="m203.61384,103.98242v35.28711h-82.65186V.5h80.80566v35.28711h-47.8584v16.25586h42.03613v33.70117h-42.03613v18.23828h49.70459Z" style="fill:none; stroke:#000;"/><path d="m314.5279.5v138.76953h-27.55078l-37.77539-63.04102v63.04102h-32.66357V.5h27.55078l37.77588,63.04102V.5h32.66309Z" style="fill:none; stroke:#000;"/><path d="m330.71833.5h48.99512c33.23047,0,56.09473,26.36621,56.09473,69.38477s-22.86426,69.38477-56.09473,69.38477h-4B8r3B4p7yhRXuBWLqsQ546WR43cqQwrbXMDFnBi6vSJBeif8tPW85a7r7DM961Jvk4hdryZoByEp8GC8HzsqJpRN4FxGM9.7168-32.9082h-14.05859v65.81641h14.05859Z" style="fill:none; stroke:#000;"/><path d="m514.34431,115.08398h-37.77539l-6.6748,24.18555h-34.08301L479.26716.5h32.94727l43.45605,138.76953h-34.65137l-6.6748-24.18555Zm-9.23047-33.70117l-9.65723-34.89062-9.65723,34.89062h19.31445Z" style="fill:none; stroke:#000;"/></svg>
No ILLUSTRATOR desativei SVG, testei e funcionou, apareceu uma tela para eu escolher como colar.
Pela manhã, a tela apareceu uma vez e não apareceu mais.
Em breve envio noticias.