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I am using Illustrator version 27.6.1. I have an .ai file with a single artboard sized 504 wide by 130 pixels high. On this artboard, I have a rectangle drawn at this same size (504 wide by 130 pixels high) with a 4 pt black stroke aligned to the inside, which covers the entire artboard. On top of this rectangle, I have pasted my company logo, which I copied from an .eps file.
Earlier today, I went to File | Save As, and chose *.SVGZ (SVG Compressed) as my Save As Type. Doing this with the default options (whatever they were at that time) resulted in a file with the .SVGZ extension that was 17 KB in size with excellent image quality. I imported this .SVGZ file into a third party application I use, and it worked perfectly inside this application. (Basically, I was following the recommended method for importing a logo into this application; the imported logo appears on several diffrent reports within the application).
Next, I changed the stroke of the black rectangle to invisible and attempted to do the same thing over again. This time, the exported .SVGX file is 2,763 KB and it does not import properly into the 3rd party application. When I import it, certain aspects of the image are lost or changed. I have now tried changing several of the Illustrator options for exporting to .SVG or .SVGX, and I keep getting the (approximate 2,763 KB file size). With this large file size, I cannot get the logo to import properly into the application.
I honestly don't know what could have changed. If anyone can suggest a strategy I can use to generate the simplest, smallest .SVGX (or .SVG) file without losing aspects of the image or image quality, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,
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Bonjour Paul,
En suppriment le rectangle devenu inutile?
L'application tierce c'est quoi?