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Helllo ,
we would like to share a problem we have been experiencing for some time. We design and manufacture cardboard packaging boxes. We design the boxes in Engview, and then we prepare them for prepress in Illustrator. We use Zund G3, iEcho 1047, and Konsberg C cutting tables to cut samples and check the designs. The problem is that files edited in Illustrator do not cut correctly. They experience twisting, distortion, and displacement of creases relative to the cutting contour. Here is a list of tests we have conducted to draw conclusions and potentially diagnose the issue:
- Files generated by Engview cut normally, but after editing and saving in Illustrator, problems occur.
- Files saved in CS6 version cut normally on ZUND, but when converted to DXF for the iEcho cutting table, they do not execute correctly.
- Files edited with the latest versions of Illustrator do not cut successfully on any of the cutting tables.
- Files edited with Illustrator and converted to DXF do not cut correctly on iEcho 1047.
- All files are visualized correctly in all software (EngView, Illustrator, Zund CutCenter, IbrightCut Center, i-- cut Production Console).
Formats tested: PDF, EPS, AI, DXF.
We think that this problem occured sometime in the past 6-9 months probably. We didn't have any issues cutting on Zund before that, or it was a rare problem and we didn't notice.
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Here are 2 files , one directly saved az DXF from Engview 7 and the other one exported from Illustrator27 to DXF. The one from Engview cuts correctly, the oter has displaced creases.
Forums doesnt allow .dxf uploads.
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Hello @Alexander338260235623,
Sorry to hear about your experience and for the delayed response. I hope the problem is resolved by now. If not, would you mind sharing some more details, like the exact version of the OS/Illustrator, details about your workflow, re-uploading the sample file(s), and a screen recording of the problem (, so we can investigate this further?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Thank you for the response. We still haven't found a solution to the problem. I will try to describe it in an understandable way. We design packaging in EngView (EV), then create print layouts in Illustrator and/or InDesign. We have 2 machines on which we create prototypes and samples of the products before they go into production.
Zund, whose software supports formats like pdf, ai, eps, and others.
iECHO, whose software supports the dxf format (the software appears to be based on some CAD program).
After designing something in EV, we export it in any of the supported formats for the machines, and it cuts and creases correctly. However, if it goes through Illustrator, for example, for layout arrangement and visual enhancements, and then saved in the supported machine formats, it no longer executes correctly.
The problem lies in the fact that, for example, in a packaging box, there are horizontal and vertical creases. The machine executes the file but places the creases in the wrong locations, meaning they are slightly offset, even in different directions, and not perpendicular.
The files are correctly visualized in all the software we use (EngView, Illustrator, Zund CutCenter, IbrightCut Center). In other words, the issue occurs during execution by the machines. We are using the latest versions of Adobe Creative Cloud. We noticed the problem about a year ago, but it may have existed for longer.
If we save the given file in CS6 version, for example, the deviations are significantly smaller on Zund. When executed on iECHO, dxf files exported from Illustrator are executed incorrectly, regardless of the export settings. Our colleagues in the industry have tested these scenarios on their machine (Kongsberg) and confirmed the issue.
I am attaching a .dxf file of a box exported from EV and Illustrator 27. Also, there are illustrative photos depicting the issue.
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So this happens when you open the exported files in the plotter driver?
What do the manufacturers of those plotters say?
Since AI CS6 files work better, it looks like that could be a reading error on the plotter side, because Illutrator itself doesn't change the paths when saving as CS6.
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As you can see from pictures , we cut packaging samples before going into production. We tested this on 3 different machines from different manifacturers and they alll have problems with newer Illustrator generated files. CS6 to .dxf also is executed incorrectly. I give .dxf as example because the software for one of the machines only works with .dxf and only .dxf that comes from Illustrator has problems.
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Did you ask the manufacturers about the issue? Maybe there is a driver update available.
Different idea: Are your Illustrator files Large Canvas files?
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Did you try to read the DXF file in Autocad (as an example) and write it back from Autocad. Any third party application would do, but as Autocad is the creator of the DXF file format, it would be my first choice to test this.
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@Anshul_Saini can you please look into this?
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Anyone had the chance to confirm or investigate the issue? I needed who should i contact with this problem?