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I am trying to make a script to use in Illustrator for extraction Colors from Gradient and Saving them to ColorGroup. Got stuck on Line: 51 "var newSwatch = colorGroup.addSwatch(color);" , can someone help?
Saying in advance.. I have many alerts which are not needed in script, but I used them in previous steps to debug when ran into issues before and just haven't cleaned it up for now.
#target illustrator
// Get the active document
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// Prompt user to select a gradient from the document
var gradientName = promptForGradient(doc);
alert("Selected gradientName: " + gradientName); // Display gradientName value
if (gradientName !== null) {
// Prompt user to enter the number of steps per percentage
var stepsPerPercentage = promptForStepsPerPercentage();
alert("Steps per percentage: " + stepsPerPercentage); // Display stepsPerPercentage value
if (stepsPerPercentage !== null) {
// Prompt user to enter the color group name
var colorGroupName = promptForColorGroupName();
alert("Color group name: " + colorGroupName); // Display colorGroupName value
if (colorGroupName !== null) {
// Check if the color group already exists
var colorGroup = getColorGroupByName(colorGroupName);
// If the color group doesn't exist, create it
if (colorGroup === null) {
colorGroup = doc.swatchGroups.add(); = colorGroupName;
// Get the specified gradient from the document
var gradient = getGradientByName(gradientName);
if (gradient) {
// Extract colors from the gradient at each step
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
var rampPoint = i / (100 * stepsPerPercentage);
var existingStop = findStopByRampPoint(gradient, rampPoint);
// Check if a gradient stop with the same ramp point already exists
if (existingStop !== null) {
// If a stop already exists, use its color instead of adding a new stop
var color = existingStop.color;
} else {
// If no stop exists, add a new gradient stop and get the color
var gradientStop = gradient.gradientStops.add();
gradientStop.rampPoint = rampPoint;
var color = gradientStop.color;
// Add the color to the color group
var newSwatch = colorGroup.addSwatch(color);
var r = Math.round(;
var g = Math.round(;
var b = Math.round(; = "R=" + r + " G=" + g + " B=" + b;
// Save the document with the extracted colors
var savePath = "~/Desktop/";
doc.saveAs(new File(savePath));
// Close the document
// doc.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES);
} else {
alert("Invalid color group name. Script execution terminated.");
} else {
alert("Invalid steps per percentage value. Script execution terminated.");
} else {
alert("No gradient selected. Script execution terminated.");
// Function to prompt user for selecting a gradient
function promptForGradient(doc) {
var gradientNames = [];
var numGradients = doc.gradients.length;
// Populate an array with gradient names
for (var i = 0; i < numGradients; i++) {
// Create a dialog box with dropdown menu for gradient selection
var dialog = new Window("dialog", "Select Gradient");
var dropdown = dialog.add("dropdownlist", undefined, gradientNames);
dropdown.selection = 0;
// Store the selected gradient name
var selectedGradientName = null;
// OK button event listener
dropdown.onChange = function () {
selectedGradientName = gradientNames[dropdown.selection.index];
// Add buttons to the dialog box
var buttonsGroup = dialog.add("group");
buttonsGroup.alignment = "right";
buttonsGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK");
buttonsGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
// OK button event listener
buttonsGroup.children[0].onClick = function () {
// Cancel button event listener
buttonsGroup.children[1].onClick = function () {
// Show the dialog box;
// Print the selected gradient name
if (selectedGradientName) {
alert("Selected gradientName: " + selectedGradientName);
return selectedGradientName;
// Function to prompt user for entering steps per percentage
function promptForStepsPerPercentage() {
var dialog = new Window("dialog", "Enter Steps Per Percentage");
dialog.add("statictext", undefined, "Steps per percentage:");
var inputBox = dialog.add("edittext", undefined, "1");
inputBox.characters = 5;
// Store the entered value
var enteredValue = null;
// Add buttons to the dialog box
var buttonsGroup = dialog.add("group");
buttonsGroup.alignment = "right";
buttonsGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK");
buttonsGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
// OK button event listener
buttonsGroup.children[0].onClick = function () {
var value = parseFloat(inputBox.text);
if (!isNaN(value) && value > 0) {
enteredValue = value;
} else {
alert("Invalid steps per percentage value. Please enter a positive number.");
// Cancel button event listener
buttonsGroup.children[1].onClick = function () {
// Show the dialog box;
// Print the entered value
if (enteredValue) {
alert("Entered steps per percentage: " + enteredValue);
return enteredValue;
// Function to prompt user for entering the color group name
function promptForColorGroupName() {
var dialog = new Window("dialog", "Enter Color Group Name");
dialog.add("statictext", undefined, "Color group name:");
var inputBox = dialog.add("edittext", undefined, "Extracted Colors");
inputBox.characters = 20;
// Store the entered value
var enteredValue = null;
// Add buttons to the dialog box
var buttonsGroup = dialog.add("group");
buttonsGroup.alignment = "right";
buttonsGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK");
buttonsGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
// OK button event listener
buttonsGroup.children[0].onClick = function () {
enteredValue = inputBox.text;
// Cancel button event listener
buttonsGroup.children[1].onClick = function () {
// Show the dialog box;
// Print the entered value
if (enteredValue) {
alert("Entered color group name: " + enteredValue);
return enteredValue;
// Function to retrieve gradient by name
function getGradientByName(name) {
var numGradients = doc.gradients.length;
// Iterate through the gradients and find the one with the matching name
for (var i = 0; i < numGradients; i++) {
var gradient = doc.gradients[i];
if ( === name) {
return gradient;
return null;
// Function to retrieve color group by name
function getColorGroupByName(name) {
var numColorGroups = doc.swatchGroups.length;
// Iterate through the color groups and find the one with the matching name
for (var i = 0; i < numColorGroups; i++) {
var colorGroup = doc.swatchGroups[i];
if ( === name) {
return colorGroup;
return null;
// Function to find a gradient stop by ramp point
function findStopByRampPoint(gradient, rampPoint) {
var numStops = gradient.gradientStops.length;
// Iterate through the gradient stops and find the one with the matching ramp point
for (var i = 0; i < numStops; i++) {
var stop = gradient.gradientStops[i];
if (stop.rampPoint === rampPoint) {
return stop;
return null;
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colorGroup.addSwatch() takes a swatch as an argument, not a color, hence the error.
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to expand of what femkeblanco said, you would need to add a swatch to the documents first, then you can add that swatch to the swatch group
// Add the color to the color group
var newSwatch = doc.swatches.add();
//newSwatch.color = color;
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Hi @Dimitri A.L. ,
Try the following action script. The follwoing action will add colors from the selection to the new color group.
var actionStr = [
"/version 3",
"/name [ 5",
" 5365742031",
"/isOpen 1",
"/actionCount 1",
"/action-1 {",
" /name [ 9",
" 416464436f6c6f7273",
" ]",
" /keyIndex 0",
" /colorIndex 0",
" /isOpen 0",
" /eventCount 1",
" /event-1 {",
" /useRulersIn1stQuadrant 0",
" /internalName (ai_plugin_swatches)",
" /localizedName [ 8",
" 5377617463686573",
" ]",
" /isOpen 1",
" /isOn 1",
" /hasDialog 1",
" /showDialog 0",
" /parameterCount 1",
" /parameter-1 {",
" /key 1835363957",
" /showInPalette 4294967295",
" /type (enumerated)",
" /name [ 15",
" 4e657720436f6c6f722047726f7570",
" ]",
" /value 17",
" }",
" }",
var actionFileDestStr = Folder.desktop + "/MyAction.aia";
var actionFile = File(actionFileDestStr);'w');
app.doScript("AddColors", "Set 1");
app.unloadAction("Set 1", '');