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It's a little difficult to explain this properly, but whenever I try to move the Illustrator program window to another part of my screen, it instantly moves behind every other program window I have open. Even if I just move it a teeny tiny bit...boom... now it's behind all the programs I have open. It is very annoying and I can't find a solution anywhere. I dropped in "before and after" screenshots if they help at all. You can see the "Pathfinder" toolbar is still in front of the Chrome window so it's definitely a weird glitch. The issue doesn't happen with any other Adobe program either. I have updated to the latest vesion of AI a few times and still no luck. I have a 2021 Macbook Pro. Anyone have a solution? Thank you.
I have had the same issue for weeks. In an attempt to solve it, I asked the internets and it led me here. Very frustrating stuff, as people have stated. I too tried some of the solutions here and nothing stuck. BUT... and I am crossing my fingers here, I switched workspaces to "layout" and so far everything is back in order. Been a couple hours now. Perhaps try this one... if it reverts back to our hated glitch I will report back.
Everyone – you can vote to have this bug fixed by Adobe here:
Hello @jeremyc83162335,
We understand that encountering technical issues can be frustrating. Would it be possible for you to have a debug session with us? If yes, please send me your Adobe ID, Country & Timezone, phone number with country code, and preferred dates and times between Mon- and Fri over a private message.
To send a private message, click my profile picture and use the ”Send a message” button.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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I have the same issue - no real fix seems to be in sight, have you found anything yet? this is SUPER frustrating to workflow
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For those who want to get past this issue... After trying multiple things with Adobe support... The newest Illustrator Beta that can be downloaded from CC cloud works without this glitch.
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I'm happy that it's worked for you but I've just installed Illustrator Beta 29.1.54 and guess what ... it's still doing it! Very, very frustrating. Especially as this all started when Mac OS Ventura came out almost two years ago.
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Ugh, sorry.. This is super frustrating. I've been dealing with this for a couple of years myself. My Beta still works correctly. I was in touch with their support for several days and was able to speak with a senior support specialist. He was trying to figure this out. Both of my AI and PS were doing this drag behind windows glitch. At first, he recommended going back to AI v24.0 (which worked fine), and then we tried the Beta version. But yeah, I hope they fix this for everyone.
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The latest beta release does not address the glitch plaguing its users for over 2 years. Adobe seems to focus more on making money from its memberships than on fixing this issue. If anyone is attending Adobe MAX 24 in a couple of days (Oct. 14-16) I beg you to ask the question at the main stage when they open it up to Q&A: "Why are you refusing to fix this problem?"
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Illustrator Beta 29.1.79 – still doing it. Still not fixed.
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Illustrator Beta 29.1.93 – still doing it. Still not fixed.
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Illustrator Beta 29.2.10 – still doing it. Still not fixed. I'm wondering if Adobe are ignoring this thread is it's [falsely] marked as 'solved'?
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Illustrator Beta 29.2.22 – still doing it. Still not fixed. Mind you, this also happens with Photoshop 24.4.0 and 26.2.0 (Beta). InDesign seems more stable.
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This is still a problem for me as well. I am having to make sure no other windows are open when I'm using illustrator, which makes it very hard to pop back and forth between programs. Glad to know I'm not crazy and it's happening to other folks as well but pleeeeease can't they fix this....
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Yes, the all caps was intentional to show my frustration. Yes, I am using the "Illustrator > Settings... > User Interface... Auto-Collapse Iconic Panels (check)" as a temporary workaround. But I have literally been dealing with opening and closing color tabs and layer windows unnecessarily since early 2023. This slows down my workflow. Time is money. Deadlines must be met. It is not such a big deal on a small simple project, but I am working on a large city scene with 18 layers and multiple color preset imports that I have to keep opening back up after auto-collapsing. This is supposed to be a professional program. Is this really so difficult to fix?
—Exasperated and saddened in San Diego.
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Illustrator Beta 29.3.38 still doing it. Still not fixed. I see there is an Illustrator bug reporting page at and this issue is listed there but there were only four votes on it! I've added my vote but maybe if enough of us do the same then Adobe might actually look at this issue instead of ignoring it for two years.
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Stage Manager. Wondering if that is what the conflict is. The Issue is minimized when i use it basically because it forces all the other apps to the side.
If I must use Stage Manager, I wish it would remember my preferred groupings like personal Workspaces...
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Illustrator Beta 29.4.2 still doing it. Still not fixed.
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Everyone – you can vote to have this bug fixed by Adobe here:
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We absolutly should not have to vote for a fix... this is rediculous! We pay a huge amounts to use this program and some more than others. This is a programming screw up that should not be the responsability of the user/customer to vote together to fix. ADOBE should know this is not a good customer service issue and fix what is wrong with the software we use and purchase from them. But they have been telling us try this beta over and over and the fix is not done. I've given up on trying... JUST FIX THE ISSUE! It costs us time to deal with it and that comes down to a bottom line expense. I said this before as an example of how Quark Express ingnored to flat out tell people, not our issue you can use another program... And that errogance killed the program as everyone jumperd to Adobe... well guess were just waiting for the new program to come that works better at this point!!!
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We should not have to vote to have this fixed. Maybe you are just trying to bring awareness to the situation, but Adobe clearly needs to figure this out.
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For all those saying we should not have to vote - While I 100% agree, that does not change the fact that this is a Community Forum and Adobe is not monitoring it. If Adobe provides a bug fix thread, it would be a disservice to NOT actually voice our concerns there as well. Just my humble 2 cents.
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I agree with all of you above – we should absolutely not have to vote to get this fixed. It's just after 2 years of dealing with this infuriating bug and Adobe not seeming to be bothered to fix it I'm getting a little desperate to bring it to their attention in any way I can. I too sat and watched as Quirk Xpensive got too complacent and lost out to Adobe and I can see the same happening with Adobe/Affinity.
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Hi Meh67, They do actually monitor this forum. Scroll up and you will see their posts. I also have gone back and forth in here with a employee trying to fix. But any way if you scroll up you'll see where they posted.... See Anubhav M • Adobe Employee , Jul 24, 2024
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Thanks for the correction! I have seen time and again the community saying they dont. That is certainly good to know. I dont think adding my name to a bug fix link will hurt anything though, and certainly may help.
Im in the same boat as everyone else.
Take care all!