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Illustrator hits over 100% CPU when simply trying to move a text layer

Engaged ,
Feb 07, 2018 Feb 07, 2018

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I'm working in a relatively simple Ai file, and it lags unbelievably bad when I'm simply trying to move a simple text layer around

There's no special effects applied to the text, it's simply grouped together and isolated so that I'm adjusting only the individual text layers on a map. That Ai file is a measly 2.1 mb, so what's the deal?

It's all vector format, not using pixel view, CMYK document, no affect on whether smart guides are on or off. It seams like it's reloading the entire document every time I retype or move ANY object.


Late 15 Retina 5K iMac, 4Ghz Intel Core i7, 32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4 GB

macOS High Sierra 10.13.3

Illustrator CC 22.0.1

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correct answers 3 Correct answers

Adobe Employee , May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018

Hi All,

Here is some more information on High CPU usage while using Adobe applications: High CPU usage due to CEPHtmlEngine

Hope this helps, however, if it doesn't please try complete reinstallation by cleaner tool Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems . If you need any help with installation please our support team here: Contact Customer Care

Threads to refer: High CPU usage in Illustrator





Community Beginner , Jun 10, 2021 Jun 10, 2021

I've found an easy solution to this problem.


To solve it (on Windows) just do the following:

  1. Open the Task Manager
  2. Find the process CoreSync.exe and right click > Open file location
  3. Delete the file
  4. Find the process CCXProcess.exe and right click > Open file location
  5. Delete the file


That's it.



New Here , Jul 24, 2022 Jul 24, 2022

Well this is it, CPU went down to 20% after reopening Illustrator! But I suggest you guys should change the file to "old" instead of deleting it, just in case something broke, you know.
 Like CoreSync.exe.old, CCXProcess.exe.old...



Community Beginner ,
Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

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Seeing the same exact thing.  All I'm trying to do is move a triangle with text in it and after hitting an arrow key, CPU usage hits 100% and 2-3 seconds later, it moves.

I then decided to try CC 2017 and while the CPU utilization exceeds 50% when I move something, it happens within half a second.  Now the problem with CC 2017 is when I try to use the hand tool to drag the drawing, it only moves a few pixels, then freezes.

My docs are RGB, but I don't see why color space would matter.


Mac Pro 2013

6 Core 3.5GHz

FirePro D500


OS X El Capitan 10.11.6





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New Here ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Same thing here!! It's maddeningly frustrating right now. About 2-3 weeks ago Illustrator started using up to 90% or more of my CPU for the simplest of artwork. Always ends up locking up. When I try to force-quit the app, it keeps running in the background chewing up the CPU. What is going on? Over the weekend it even gave my computer the blue screen of death. However, after a solid restart, Illustrator worked fine for hours. 2 days later, I'm back to the locking up and forced re-starts. Any answers out there?





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Try resetting preferences.  This worked on my Mac Pro - I couldn't even move a basic shape - took 3 seconds every time I hit an arrow key to move it.  Dragging it was much worse - it would lock up if I tried.

After preference reset, works as expected.





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New Here ,
Mar 09, 2021 Mar 09, 2021

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Thank you. This is the simplest and most effective! From 80% now to 10% CPU usage.





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Adobe Employee ,
May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018

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Hi All,

Here is some more information on High CPU usage while using Adobe applications: High CPU usage due to CEPHtmlEngine

Hope this helps, however, if it doesn't please try complete reinstallation by cleaner tool Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems . If you need any help with installation please our support team here: Contact Customer Care

Threads to refer: High CPU usage in Illustrator







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Community Beginner ,
Sep 11, 2020 Sep 11, 2020

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I still am having the same issue.. I tried the solution mentioned above as for my Adobe Illustrator 2020 version but still CEPHtmlEngine isn't taking a lot of CPU but the main Illustrator file is. I have just ran my recent saved file and saw it is taking about 70% to 90% of CPU (even if i am currently doing nothing)......  





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 19, 2020 Sep 19, 2020

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i have the same issue





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 19, 2020 Sep 19, 2020

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I haven't even started working and this is what illustrator stats looks like!






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New Here ,
Oct 25, 2020 Oct 25, 2020

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Did you manage to find a solution? Im on a Mac but have the same problem CEPHtmlEngine is not using any cpu basically but Illustrator hits over 500% (sic!).





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Engaged ,
May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018

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Part of the problem is the Links panel. If I disable the panel, everything runs far smoother. It seems to unnecessarily refresh the link panel thumbnails with every change that occurs.

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Community Beginner ,
Mar 08, 2020 Mar 08, 2020

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I love how you guys at Adobe love promoting the Cleaner Tool. Like we have the time to constantly uninstall reinstall and troubleshoot. People in life are often busy. How about making a product without so many bugs? For months I've been going back and forth with Adobe Support just to get nowhere. 


There are no clear indidications as to what causes a lot of these issues and try getting a support ticket in. You guys don't make that easy either.





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Explorer ,
Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

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Hey, I'm having this problem too, but just wanted to clarify something to you:


Make a program as gigantic and as feature rich as adobe programs without bugs?? That's pretty far-fetched... 


These programs are made by coding. Humans do the coding. The slightest typo in the code could create a bug that you may not notice for years before it starts affecting you. In fact, many bugs (code typos or miscalculations in math etc) are never noticed at all, because the program ends up ignoring the error and the outcome of what the program does is either no different, or so little in difference that nobody ever notices it.

Other bugs, however, are typos or miscalculations or a line of code that the coder thought would do one thing but ends up doing something different, in the worst case putting out an endless output (infinity loop) that could do things like fill up your hard drive to the brim with nothing, or cause the program to crash because it's doing something that does nothing endlessly (like calculating 1+2 endless times non stop), or in worst case cause your pc to bsod or need a force restart. these are called endless loops or infinity loops, and they commonly come about because a coder forgot to put a "break" clause on the end of a looped code (which should cancel the operation in case something goes wrong), which means if some exact thing occurs, for example a specific combo of filters on a smart layer, the program could end up doing the same thing over and over again and therefore "crash".


In this case, someone suggested that the links panel being open causes the problem because he thinks it endlessly refreshes the thumbnails of the links. If that is actually the case, it likely means that a coder forgot to put a break or end clause on a loop, or accidentally set the thumbs to refresh every 10milliseconds instead of 100seconds, and therefore your cpu gets clogged with trying to refresh the thumbnail so fast and so often.


Also, the reason bugs appear on some machines and not others is due to soooooo many reasons. one of them is your pc configuration and version of windows. as soon as the factory worker making your pc first turns it on before even selling it to you, it becomes different from every other one on earth, because there are so many trillions of lines of code that make up your pc, and each one of those settings gets changed for so many different reasons. And many times, bugs on software on some pc's have no affect, because the pc itself has a lot of say in whether a bug in a line of code from a software like adobe interacts badly with a bug in your pc system. 


There are probably millions of bugs/typos in adobe software, because of how big the programs are. And since adobe can't hire millions of coders to fix each problem (which would then create more bugs anyway), lots of small bugs only affecting a small amount of ppl get set on the back burner and they never have time to fix them. 


This is why i tell ppl not to update Anything unless you're having problems with bad bugs or you can't live without new features. Because updating basically means that you're trading your current set of bugs for a brand spankin new set of unkown ones which may be worse than what you started with.


My only suggestions to fix the bugs is to be an investigator. Try to do different things that you think may be affecting the bug. If a bug happens on a certain exact function every time, either don't use that function, roll back to older version of program, or update (with caution). Or, be an investigator and try every little thing you can possibly think of to change how what's on your screen works. 


I'm about to try disabling the links panel.

Nope, didn't work. 

However, I noticed that Illustrator used 0% CPU before I pressed 'Ignore' on the prompt that asked whether I wanted to ignore the fact that the links in this document cannot be found on my pc. Also, some of the panels did not yet have their interfaces filled in, like the layers panel did not yet show the layers or the thumbnails, and the swatches didn't show up either. SO I will try messing with those. 

*closes illustrator & reopens*

*opens without any documents*

*illustrator still skyrockets in cpu usage with no open docs*

*resets illlustrator preferences & presses restart illustrator*

*didn't help*


Yep, gonna need to update or roll back, cuz I don't have the time to mess any more with this.


I almost never contact tech support lines unless I want to coerce them into accidentally giving a piece of info that they don't normally say (but that would be very helpful info in me fixing my own buggy situation), because in most cases they don't know what's wrong and won't be able to fix it in the amount of time they are aloud to allot to one customer, because every pc is different, and millions of unkown possibilities could be what's causing the problem, most of which they don't even know about. If a tech support dept tried to fix every single person's pc to the best they can without just giving them the blanket fix options like "run the adobe cleaner" or "update", then you'd be waiting on a phone line for literally years before someone was able to pick up your call.


Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope this taught you a bit about "what causes a lot of these issues". 






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New Here ,
Nov 26, 2020 Nov 26, 2020

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Had the Same Issue with Illustrator 2021 (25.01 and this fixed for me. I updated with Adobe Creative Cloud (Also updated Creative Cloud) and it works fine now. I don´t know how, but it does.





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Enthusiast ,
Dec 06, 2020 Dec 06, 2020

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Mine is quite freaky heating. No files open. Illustrator is the only software running. 

I have Illustrator 2021 (v 25.0.1). Windows updated to 20H2 (19042.630).  30 minutes ago I had Windows 10 version 1909 (OS Build 18363.1198). I started facing this issue since yesterday. 


I highlighted the issue here. 








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Participant ,
Feb 10, 2021 Feb 10, 2021

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Thats nonsense, man. I dont care how big the programs are. There are many other big video editing programms for example which can use CUDA properly and works smooth without crashes. Here we see amazing perfomance and stability redusion from 2019 to 2020 and thats ridiculous. From all sources, everyone is shouting that it is necessary to update for perfomance improvement but in reality it works backward. They havent millions of coders? Looks like they havent even ten testers coz there was bugs which was on a lot of users (volume bezier curve on timeline in Pr for example). I have many recorded examples of Ae, Pr, Me, Ai problems and so I dont know how to work further with my ADHD and consuming 80% work time for bugs, optimization and reinstall to old versions...





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New Here ,
Mar 12, 2021 Mar 12, 2021

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Hi everyone! After spending some time looking for a solution to this I stumbled uppon a reddit article: https://www.reddit.com/r/Adobe/comments/i4j8tx/help_adobe_illustrator_very_high_cpu_usage/g0qujpk/


As dumb as it sound it worked for me. All you have to do is restart your creative cloud and log back in and the CPU usage is back to normal.





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New Here ,
Mar 16, 2021 Mar 16, 2021

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Make sure that you are logged into your Creative Cloud Desktop app. At least this is how I fixed it for myself.





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New Here ,
Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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Hi everyone! I just had a breakthrough about this problem!


For a while I was temporarely solving the problem by ending CoreSync process in Task Manager after starting the Illustrator (v25.0.1) and the CPU drops to 1% but after some time it still goes up to 100%. 


What I did now is I went to file location of the CoreSync and just removed it from the folder to my desktop so I can bypass it on startup of Illustrator and my CPU level is now normal. I opened about 6 tabs in Ai and all of them have multiple artboards with various designs and everything works ok for now. 

I will test this in the next few days but it looks promising for now since this problem is really annoying. 

Win 10 Pro 20H2 19042.906

Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4170 CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz

Kingston HyperX DDR-3 12GB





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New Here ,
Aug 31, 2021 Aug 31, 2021

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Confirmed. This seems to be working solution. Had the Illustrator CC 2020(24.3) taking constant 50% CPU usage even when no documents were open.

Immediately after shutting down CoreSync process it went back to 5-10%, occassionaly 20%.

It still seems to jump from 1-5% to 25% quite often, regardless of what/if I'm actually doing something, but it gets nowhere near 50%. Thanks again, mate!





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New Here ,
May 21, 2021 May 21, 2021

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Downloading Creative Cloud did the work for me. Maybe for those who have Creative Cloud installed, just logout, close the App and re-login.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 10, 2021 Jun 10, 2021

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I've found an easy solution to this problem.


To solve it (on Windows) just do the following:

  1. Open the Task Manager
  2. Find the process CoreSync.exe and right click > Open file location
  3. Delete the file
  4. Find the process CCXProcess.exe and right click > Open file location
  5. Delete the file


That's it.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 12, 2021 Aug 12, 2021

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WOOW, I can not believe it, but your solution worked.

before your solution i have tried whole bunch of solution but non of them worked.








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New Here ,
Jul 24, 2022 Jul 24, 2022

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Well this is it, CPU went down to 20% after reopening Illustrator! But I suggest you guys should change the file to "old" instead of deleting it, just in case something broke, you know.
 Like CoreSync.exe.old, CCXProcess.exe.old...





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Explorer ,
Dec 23, 2022 Dec 23, 2022

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Yep, CPU usage went to ~2% when idle.

The less Ad*be bloatware the better.





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