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I could really use some help. Any time that I open .pdf floor plans in Illustrator it replaces my font with boxed xyz's. I am stumped. The fonts in the document are Arial and Arial Bold, which are downloaded and accessible in Illustrator. I can use them both if I am adding new text. I have Googled this issue over and over and come up with nothing. I have tried highlighting all of the text and replacing it, and that doesn't work either. I can "Import .pdf pages as links for optimal performance" and the fonts DO come through, but the document is completely locked and I cannot make any edits.
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Illustrator is not a general purpose PDF editor.
WHat happens when you turn of "Missing glyph protection" in the Illustrator preferences and then open them?
On top of that: some applications rename fonts when saving the PDF and the fonts into them. And then Illustrator cannot assign them.
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It hihghlights the missing fonts in pink. The font is loaded on my compter but it says that Arial is not available. I tried switching to any other standard font and it still doesn't pull any text in. Just changes the Xyz's to boxes.
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PDFs were never meant for editing and Illustrator is not a general purpose PDF editor.
All you can do it click on Replace fonts and then replace them.
Does that work?
Exactly what do you want to edit?
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I understand. I use a CAD plugin for editing floor plans, and have for years. I don't remember this always being an issue, but maybe i was just working around it. I tried replacing the fonts, but they won't change. Maybe it is what it is, but I feel like there is a solution somewhere.
I appreciate you trying to help.
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It happens with my Lato and PT serif fonts which were installed, and Ai keeps telling me to replace the fonts.
Are they working anymore after charging clients a lot of fee on subscription?
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It happens with Ai app in Ipad
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Hello @Hung321333239af0,
I tried replicating this behavior on my end with both the Lato and PT Serif fonts but could not. Would you mind sharing more details, like the version of the OS/Illustrator installed, whether this happens with new files as well, and if yes, if this problem is specific to files created on a different device, so I can better assist you?
Looking forward to hearing from you.