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Hi -- just wondering if anyone knows what became of the great repository of AI scripts JET had posted on the web -- I have been using a modified version of his Label Script and went looking recently for his other ones, but all the links point to a site that is now under construction. Are they archived elsewhere? or is JET coming out with a commercial package (I'll be first in line to buy!)?
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Jet, seldom posts in the script forum these days but he's still active in the main Illustrator forum you should try PM him there…
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Muppet Mark wrote:
Jet, seldom posts in the script forum these days but he's still active in the main Illustrator forum you should try PM him there…
I too am looking for JET's scripts. I recently tried PM-ing him twice at the beginning of this month 8 days apart to no avail or response from him, even though he is currently fairly active in the main illustrator forum? Does anyone have copies or know where I might acquire copies of his scripts? The ones I am particularly interested in are as follows:
I really appreciate anyones help on this, thanks for your time.
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I know I have several sets at home ( don't recall which though ) I will check…
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Muppet Mark wrote:
I know I have several sets at home ( don't recall which though ) I will check…
That would be great Muppet Mark, I appreciate your time in looking into it and checking.
I am not sure of the correct naming conventions, I am not sure if the "JET_" was part of the more current .zip archives. You will probably know more than I concerning that when you look though your files, if need be I can sort through what you have so you dont need to? Unless you know which it the most present and comprehensiver versions of course.
Thanks so much! I am looking forward to hear from you when you have the opportunity. Thanks again Muppet Mark!
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Did a quick check and this is what was in my Jet sample archive… Some of it has been there a while so I can't be sure on latest versions etc… Only Jet is going to know that…
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Muppet Mark wrote:
Did a quick check and this is what was in my Jet sample archive…
Hi Muppet Mark, thats great, something is better than nothing 😉
I am sure any of those would be great to utilize and learn from. Thanks so much Mupput Mark for taking the the time to look for what you have, I would be willing to get an archive of all that you have if you would be willing to share.
Maybe someone else might have some of the others I listed above as well?
Thanks again, wonderful!
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Hi Muppet Mark, just wanted to express I am still interested. Thanks for your time and assistance on the matter, looking forward to hear further from you when you have the opportunity.
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Oh I forgot all about it… I will zip them up when I get home… head full of fluff…
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Thanks Muppet Mark, no problem on the delay, whenever you have the opportunity and time (or the fluff dissipates ;-). I greatly appreciate it, thank you!
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PM'd you a link or so I think…?
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Muppet Mark wrote:
PM'd you a link or so I think…?
Yes, got it! Thanks for your time and effort Muppet Mark and thanks for sharing! It's just too bad that the script repository at JET's site is no longer active, with so many wonderful scripts its sad they are so hard to locate now days and seeminly no longer available.
If anyone else comes across this thread and has the others that I "mentioned above" I am still trying to track those down as well.
Thanks everyone, especially Muppet Mark for getting me this far.
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I know this thread is so old, but does someone could also provide me this Scriptbundle?!
Best Regards Tungee
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Tungee - I sent you a PM - there is a place where you can download them
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One thing I would like to caution here. Those scripts are the intellectual property of JET and any second party distribution may not be legal. The links were removed on purpose.
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dear frax_
could provide me JETalmage's Script Library?
Best Regards
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@frax_ could you share that knowledge?
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Would you please be so kind to share a link to these scripts?
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Please read post 14.
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Larry is right. I contacted JETalmage some years ago regarding his scripts and whether I could send some of them to another Adobe member. He did not give me permission, and I respected that directive.